Reika-sama – 202

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How to play Bozu mekuri

After ten of those messages, I finally replied.


Even though his test messages were all blank, somehow I could feel the anger.

I think I even hallucinated the word.


I chickened out and told him I didn’t notice because I was walking.

He complained, so I replied that patience was a virtue when it came to romance.

I was simply testing him.

I wonder what he’d say if I actually told him that.

It’s going to be a huge problem if you only ever think about yourself, stupid Kaburagi!


Going back to the original topic, getting messaged all the time like this was going to be a pain.

If it got to be too much, would it be better to drop my phone into some water, or have a car run over it…?




My plans to make the locker look like a frame job from Tsuruhana-san’s crowd went surprisingly well.

It wouldn’t work with the girls in my group since they seem like they would stand up for me no matter what.

Diligent-looking girls like Miharu-chan and Nonose-san, or the girls from my Handicrafts Club on the other hand…

“I feel so bad for Reika-sama. She’s been made out to be the culprit…”

“I’ve never seen Reika-sama harass anybody.”

“She just happened to be there. How can people be blaming her like that…?”

“Why does Reika-sama have to be suspected like this?”

It didn’t take them long at all to net me a bunch of sympathy votes.

My group followed up on it afterwards of course.

“Reika-sama has been framed.”

“By whom?”

“Wasn’t there some group that told everybody that they were going to replace her?”

“Ehh? They said that?!”

“Takamichi-san said that it wasn’t Reika-sama who was responsible, but she never said a certain somebody wasn’t. That says it all, don’t you think?”

How you behave in everyday life is pretty important, Tsuruhana-san.

Anyhow, pretty much everybody was convinced that it was some plot by Tsuruhana-san to frame me.

And somehow there seemed to be more solidarity in my group now.

I guess it’s true what they say about making up an enemy to bring a group together.

In the end nobody ever found out who had done it, but the harassment had cooled off since that day, for now at least.

But hopefully the peace would continue until I was a 3rd year at least.



“Hm hm hm~”

I was happily enjoying tea in the salon until Enjou came along.

“Kisshouin-san, given that tomorrow is White Day, apparently Yukino wants to hand you some sweets in person. Do you think you could find some time tomorrow?”

“Gosh, Yukino-kun does!? Gladly!”

And it was almost spring break so I wanted to visit the other kids before that.

“But spring break is already so close. The kids in primary school are already having half-days.”

“Don’t worry about that. Lately he’s been bringing the boardgames you showed him at his birthday party to the petit salon. Apparently the kids there have all been playing.”


The Petit salon, previously filled with children gracefully talking as they sipped tea, was now basically a playhouse?

“I suspect he wants to play them with you, but if you have plans then don’t feel bad about refusing.”


My plans were the same as always.

Oh, was he worried that I’d be busy because of White Day?

No need to worry, I’m completely free.

“Speaking of which, are you also going on a date tomorrow, Enjou-sama?”


I was just making conversation, but surprisingly got an answer.

I was a little surprised.

And kind of felt like a loser.

Hmmmm, a date on White Day huh?


Well how awfully nice for you.

A dateless woman like me will just go and play cards with the Petit Pivoine then!




“Welcome, Reika-oneesan!”

This place was a soothing paradise.

I entered to Yukino-kun and the other children’s adorable smiles.

Haaah, so warm and fluffy.

“Over here, Reika-oneesan.”

“Why thank you, Yukino-kun.”

My White Day present from him was rusk in a cute little jar.

Rusk is great, isn’t it.

I love it too!

It’s crunchy and light, and you can’t stop eating it!

I decided to just open it now and try a piece.

Mm, yummy!

“How delicious. Thank you for the lovely gift.”

Yukino-kun laughed shyly next to me.

An angel!

Still, despite the lightness in your mouth, rusk was heavy on the calories.

I made a note not to overeat.

After that I talked with him and Mao-chan and stuff about what we were going to be doing during the spring break.

For me, I was going to be taking some cram courses, as well as lessons from Akimi-san on cooking.

She had already taught me a few times before.

Akimi-san was kind and never mocked me, even when she had to teach me things as basic as chopping vegetables or making stock.

With her, it was easy to admit what I didn’t know, so I was glad I had come to her.

For now we were just following the recipes and practising different dishes.

Maybe once I had mastered the basics I could start looking for my own flavour.

And then I could start getting popular on the internet with them.

‘Give a boost to your romance with Reika’s cupid recipes!’

Maybe nikujaga for appealing to the male instinct…

“That sounds so nice, Reika-oneesama. Do you think I could come too?” Mao-chan asked entreatingly.

Come to think of it, she said something similar a while back.

“Hmmm, I shall have to ask Akimi-san for her permission, but how about coming to my house to have a look?”

Mao-chan gave a happy cheer.

How could anyone refuse a cute girl like this!

I sure couldn’t!

Yes, it was going to be a bit rough revealing just how bad at cooking I was, but I could always use a vegetable peeler, and to be honest Akimi-san was praising me more these days.

“You’ve gotten really good at cutting vegetables, Reika-san.”

“You’re really fun to teach since you’re so enthusiastic.”

“You’ve got really good taste in food presentation.”

I was the type of person who reacted really well to compliments.

Hearing them made me happy, and want to try harder, so Akimi-san was the perfect teacher for me.

“Reika-oneesan, wanna play a game?” said Yukino-kun as he pulled me by the arm.

Ohh! I’d forgotten about that!

Come to think of it, kids were already playing jenga, cards, and other things here and there around the room.

It was like some high society nursery.

At first I was peacefully playing games like Bozu Mekuri or Concentration, but at some point we started playing Speed instead.

Somehow my memories as the Speed Queen in my old life flared up, and I ended up playing seriously against small children.

I know, I know, it was childish of me.

I’m reflecting on it, but just so you know, I beat them all.

Some of the older boys seemed pretty frustrated about it.

Train harder, boys.




My wish to get to spring break without any further troubles was of no avail.

My propaganda campaign against Tsuruhana-san had pushed her so far that she apparently decided that confronting us in the cafeteria was the answer.

“You’re a scary girl, Reika-sama,” said Tsuruhana-san. “Pinning the blame for your own crimes on us without batting an eye.”

“What are you talking about? The one who tried to frame Reika-sama was you!” yelled my group.


Come on, not out here, girls…

Just as the two groups were starting to really yell, another group of girls came along.

“Please be quiet.”

They were from the Student Council.

“Haah? Externals like you lot don’t have the right to tell us what to do,” Tsuruhana-san glared venomously.

“What does this have to do with being an Internal or External Student? We’re the Student Council,” the girl replied.

“And I’m saying that your Student Council doesn’t amount to anything,” she sneered, causing the girl to flush with anger.

Things got even more heated, except now it was a three-way fight.

Come onnn guys, let’s just stop!

Look, everyone’s looking at us, so let’s just calm down!

They’re seriously all staring!

“Who’s causing problems, Reika-san!?”

Of course that was when Ririna decided to swagger in with her own underlings.

Why did an even bigger troublemaker show up!?

<Previous Chapter | Imouto | Next Chapter>

79 thoughts on “Reika-sama – 202”

  1. You’re forgetting, Reika-sama! Cooking is an art but baking is a science! Someone call Kanta, guickly! The survival of the human race depends on him!

    Liked by 25 people

  2. Tsuruhana must think that Reika is a bad person pretending to be a good person due to their confrontation in middle school.

    I don’t feel back about Tsuruhana getting framed since she has been bullying Wakaba.

    Reika’s constant annoyance at Ririna mere presence is half of what makes Ririna good.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. Woah, Enjou didn’t take back what he said about having a date on White Day? But he didn’t say with whom, though. I am now strangely hoping for some plot twist where, due to some of his machinations, he ends up going somewhere with Reika-sama.

    Psst, Reika-sama, ever heard of the saying ‘Innocent until proven guilty’? I get that the Tsuruhana group is suspicious as hell, but how are you going to correct the damage on the slim chance of the Tsuruhana group being innocent?

    Oh, and yay!! A three-way battle royale!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Reika actually doesn’t think she did it.

      Tsuruhana has done it in the past so does it really matter?

      Honestly, everyone bullies Wakaba anyway so the real scandal is that Tsuruhana tried to frame the wonderful and kind Reika-sama.

      Liked by 8 people

    2. Even if they werent behind it, they deserve to be outcast for other past transgressions, take that girl who was the first to speak up for Reika, she was a victim of there bully, so Tsuruhana deserves it regardless.

      Liked by 7 people

  4. Enjou scum pov

    White day approaches and I have arrangements to make for my pesky little brother Yukino, seriously am I his messenger boy? not that I mind considering it gives me an opportunity to see what Kisshouin is up to.. I’m rather curious, I wonder if she will have time to indulge Yukinos request? If she says yes then that means she didn’t give her chocolates to anyone of importance, if she says no, then… well… suddenly I got very annoyed.

    I see soft curls surrounded by her generals in the distance, best not interrupt her at this time, I waited patiently for her to show up at the salon, I observe her for a while before I approach, as always she comes to eat, daintily picking a few choice desserts to eat at her leisure, she loves food.
    “Kisshouin-san, given that tomorrow is White Day, apparently Yukino wants to head you some sweets in person. Do you think you could find some time tomorrow?” smiling I watched her delighted expression, at least one Enjou makes her happy…

    “Gosh, Yukino-Kun does!? Gladly!”

    “But spring break is already so close. The kids in primary school are already having half-days.” She looks disappointed and uncertain, seriously Kisshouin, do you not understand how much Yukino adores you? he would make time for you know matter what.. as would I…

    “Don’t worry about that. Lately, he’s been bringing the boardgames you showed him at his birthday party to the petit salon. Apparently the kids there have all been playing.” How does an Ojou Sama like her know about such games? these commoner interests are so curious.. she has this knack of unobtrusively connecting with people, both young and old, she talks to people without airs, almost like she’s an ordinary person and not an Ojou Sama, it always amazes me that she can do that so easily, breaking down barriers to socialize freely.

    “My.” She looks rather pleased I smile again, such a genuine reaction, I wish she would react that way to me sometimes…

    “I suspect he wants to play them with you, but if you have plans then don’t feel bad about refusing.” I pretend I’m not invested or interested in her answer…

    “Plans?” It looks like she doesn’t, why do I feel so happy right now?

    “Speaking of which, are you also going on a date tomorrow, Enjou-sama?”

    “Basically.” Ah there it is, resentment, anyone else would be jealous that they weren’t on a date with me, but not Kisshouin, never her…

    Yukino was in high spirits when I got home, he went into great detail about his day with Kisshouin, how she enjoyed the Rusk he got her, he was so happy describing every minute detail that it felt like I was there with him, I could imagine that happy smile of hers directed at everyone except me.. suddenly I felt incredibly resentful and doused his happiness in water.

    “You know Yukino, girls love sweet things, to their detriment, girls are always concerned about their weight and such… always be mindful of that when giving high caloric treats like Rusk, they don’t like getting fat” I smiled

    Yukino looked up at me with eyes full of concern.
    “Is that why Reika Onisan is so soft when I hug her? I don’t mind that”
    “…” You lil…
    “Probably..” I mutter leaving the room.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. OMG I love it… Enjou scum…. 😂

      “Yukino looked up at me with eyes full of concern.
      “Is that why Reika Onisan is so soft when I hug her? I don’t mind that”
      “…” You lil…
      “Probably..” I mutter leaving the room.” ROFLMAO

      Liked by 4 people

  5. Thank you for the chapter! I really love your translation style. It perfectly captures Reika’s smart-stupid personality without making the novel sound childish or like a chat window (common in many Japanese LN translations). Great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. LOL. I can hear the drums in the background as the battlefield continues to be setup for a School ver. “Total War”


  7. Thanks for the chapter! Please bring more out soon!

    “Kisshouin-san, given that tomorrow is White Day, apparently Yukino wants to head (don’t you mean ‘hand’ here?) you some sweets in person. Do you think you could find some time tomorrow?”

    Also you missed out on a potential question mark shortly after when she was talking about Rusk. Also missed an ‘e’ in ‘onee-san’ too.

    Thanks for the translations!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. ITS CHAOS!!! Ha!!!! It’s gonna be chaos with Ririna in there!! 😂 at this point I’m not even gonna bother with Bakaburagi, I’d rather call him Mary-san. Like those scan messages you get. Well, as expected from a stalker with more than 10 years of reputation.

    And lol at this part though—“I was just making conversation, but surprisingly got an answer.

    I was a little surprised.

    And kind of felt like a loser.”

    —from all the novels and shoujo manga I’ve read 8/10, girls would usually be like, “and kind of felt CLOSER with him” cause the guy suddenly opens up to her. But with Reika-sama it’s really different pffffft😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Thanks for the chapter~ Otsukaresama desu!!

    Liked by 7 people

  9. And that, people! Is how the World Wars started!

    Hahah Reika is about to become the cause of war in her own school’s cafeteria😂😂😂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Reika is not secretly molding Yukino into her perfect boyfriend right? She’s not that desperate… RIGHT?

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Thank you for the chapter!
    Bakaburagi being himself.
    A good chapter with Reika-sama, Mao-chan, Yukino-kun (and Akimi-san).
    Will Ririna be able to protect Reika-sama from Tsuruhana-san? This and more in the next chapter.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thanks for the chapter!!

    It might not be that interesting, but can you imagine what would happen if suddenly Mr. Professional Stalker appears saying something like: “Why haven’t you reply to my messages?! We have to talk now!” Before taking Reika-sama out of the eye of the storm?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. — Thanks for the chapter~ ^^.

    Honestly, I want things with Tsuruhana-san to get settled since she’s kind of being so much mob-character, now that I think of it, she’s one of a kind in this novel since she’s the only character being like that, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh wow. Reika-sama may have felt like a loser when Enjou said he had a date, but right now everyone of importance in the school is just revolving around her. She just needs Bakaburagi and Enjou to complete the set…

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Thx for the chapter o/
    a 4 way battle among the girls?! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!
    that aside, the FAN might have been good that day…


  16. Reika-chama, you can’t escape Bakaburagi the Stalker (he gets a title cuz he’s been a stalker for years, its pretty much his occupation) haha

    With Ririna added in, it’s gonna be complete chaos! XD I wonder how this is gonna turn out.

    Thank you for the update!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I think that reika can only attract juniors and girls but dont worry reika your time will come
    Thanks for the chapter
    Fav. Ships isamixreika, reikaxfuture
    Enjou is taking a lot of time plus he went on a date


  18. No wonder Reika’s reign is supreme. Far too lofty for a queen, the goddess Kali. No one can go against her, even with something as small as card games XP Plus, her followers have no chill. Too bad Tsuruhana never learns…

    “No need to worry, I’m completely free.” “A dateless woman like me will just go and play cards with the Petit Pivoine then!” The bitterness is so bitingly clear. ^^”

    (Shipping glasses-ON) It would be completely hilarious if this was a really obvious attempt for Enjou to fish for info about Reika’s love life and to make her jealous. It’s almost like watching a traincrash in slow motion. XDD

    Hmmm, I notice Akimi never mentioned anything about Reika’s actual cooking T_T

    Thanks so much for this update! Looks like things are going to get really exciting next chapter XDXD

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Reika is at it again, lol. Nice line she used for Kaburagi, there! Now that he wants something from her she can use it to mature his thinking, a bit.

    From that description, it doesn’t sound like Reika is having all that much luck learning to cook, does it? 😂

    No one beats Reika at Speed, NO ONE! It matters not the age or the ability, all will fall!

    Oh ho, this next part should be something 😋


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