Reika-sama – 145

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Kaburagi had no interest in any girl outside of Yurie-sama. Unless he had some reason to, he would never speak to a girl of his own accord. Yet…

“Sup, Takamichi.”

“Ah-, hello.”

Each time he passed her in the hallway he would greet her just like that. It was like they were good friends.

What’s more, from what I heard, Kaburagi would call out to her in the same way when he came to her class to visit Enjou.

It wasn’t something that people could brush off with ‘meeting by chance’ anymore. Kaburagi wasn’t the sort to call out to a girl just because he ‘met her by chance’.

Even worse was that thanks to that, Enjou was calling out to her like a friend as well, these days. The result was that Tsuruhana-san’s No. 2 and her friends were picking on Wakaba-chan even harder now.

And my friends were all gossiping as well. Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan even asked me to ask Kaburagi about it at the salon. Ehhh~

Honestly though, what on earth happened during the summer, Wakaba-chan?




Wanting to seek refuge from the powder-keg the high school was turning into, I often hid in the Handicrafts Club or the Petite Pivoine. After school today I was heading there to meet with Mao-chan.

The weather forecasts had predicted a typhoon, and the skies were beginning to grow cloudy… I gazed out the hallway window as I headed to the Petite salon. While I was doing so I caught sight of a small crouching figure.

“Eh-, Yukino-kun!?”

Upon closer inspection I realised that it was Yukino-kun crouched in the hallway and grasping his chest painfully. I rushed over in panic.

“What’s wrong, Yukino-kun!?”

He wouldn’t answer. Yukino-kun was paler than usual, and just continued to wheeze shallow breaths.

“Is it an asthma attack!?”

Yukino-kun nodded. This was bad!

While struggling to breathe, Yukino-kun was looking through his bag for something. Huh?

What he pulled out was his inhaler. His arms were trembling and he was struggling to shake it, so I took it from him and shook it in his stead. Would this help him? He inhaled the drug with a whoosh, but his wheezing hadn’t gotten better. Maybe it wasn’t something that worked right away.

“Yukino-kun, let’s just head to the nurse’s office, okay?”

“Okay…” he quietly replied.

I held my hand out and helped him up, but he was too unsteady on his feet to walk.


I quickly stopped him from falling but we wouldn’t be able to get there like this. What was I to do? I desperately searched my mind for ideas when it hit me.

“Yukino-kun! Climb onto my back!”


I squatted down and faced my back to him. There wasn’t anything I could do except piggyback him!


Yukino-kun was hesitant but now wasn’t the time for that. His face was still as white as a sheet. Maybe the medicine had worked because he looked a little more comfortable than before but in no way did the attack look over!

“Come on, hurry!”

At my urging, he timidly let me carry him. I immediately felt the burden. He might have been thin, but he was already a 1st grader. It was heavy. Would I really be able to stand like this!?

But Yukino-kun was struggling to breathe right next to my ear. The hands around my shoulders were ice cold.

Fine! Women were all about guts! Awaken, the power of the muscles I gained during summer jogging!


With Yukino-kun on my back, I stood up and steadied myself. I could do this!

“Yukino-kun, hold on tightly, okay?”

By a stroke of good luck, somebody from the Petite Pivoine had come by, so I asked them to bring our bags to Mao-chan before heading straight for the infirmary.

Goooooooo! Show them your guts! Aim for Honoluluuuuuuuu! Uoooooooooohhh!

I ran steadily through the hallways of the primary school building with Yukino-kun.



When we got there, the nurse immediately had Yukino-kun lie down on the bed.

“Are you all right, Yukino-kun? The nurse said that she would contact your family as well as your Oniisama so they should be here right away, all right?”

“Yes… Thank you very much… Reika-oneesan…”

Lying down made breathing harder, so right now his upper body was propped upright.

“Does it happen often? Attacks like these…”

“Today’s attack was because the typhoon’s coming…”

Apparently his asthma got worse during weather like these. It was just terrible! Typhoons came every year! Did he end up like this each and every time!?

“I’m fine,” he smiled weakly while sipping warm black tea.

He wasn’t. You aren’t fine, Yukino-kun!

That was when Enjou arrived.


He made a beeline for Yukino’s bed and began checking up on him.

“Did you use your inhaler?”


“A car is coming to take you to the hospital. We’ve let the hospital know already.”


With Enjou’s help, Yukino got down from the bed.

“Can you walk on your own?”


Mao-chan and Yuuri-kun had brought our bags here so we brought them to the carpark to see the Enjou brothers off.

“Kisshouin-san, thank you for helping my brother. I’ll definitely repay the favour.”

“Yukino-kun is a precious and adorable kouhai of mine. Thanks are unnecessary. Please do hurry to the hospital. Could you let me know how he is tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Sorry, and thanks.”

We waved as the car drove into the distance.

“Yukino-kun looked like he was in pain…”


Please let Yukino-kun get better…



The next morning, Enjou called me into the hallway. I flew through the greetings and immediately asked him about Yukino-kun.

“Enjou-sama, how is Yukino-kun doing!?”

“We’re hospitalising him just to be safe but it wasn’t too bad this time. I think he’ll be discharged tomorrow or the day after.”

“I see…”

Yukino-kun was being admitted again. Poor Yukino-kun…

“Kisshouin-san, yesterday you carried him all the way to the infirmary, didn’t you? Thank you. He must have been heavy, right? It gave me a shock when Yukino told me.”

“No, he was not particularly.”

Rising up to Mihara-san’s relentless daily training had really been worth it. My pitiful muscles had definitely shown growth. Admittedly I didn’t train my arms at all, so they were shaking with muscle pain this morning, though!

“Yukino was a bit depressed about being carried by a girl, you know.”


I didn’t hurt his pride as a boy, did I? Speaking of which, he was worried about his height during the summer party, wasn’t he.

“Then please apologise to Yukino-kun for me.”

“Why are you apologising? I really am grateful that you went that far for him. Thanks.”

Enjou bowed to me. I quickly stopped him since I noticed pedestrians looking at us. Please give me a break here.

That was when I noticed Kaburagi and Wakaba-chan heading down our way. So the two of them had arrived to school together again.

I wonder why they had suddenly grown so close. I sooooo wanted to know…

“Do you want to know?”


Enjou read my mind again!

“Want me to tell you? Why Masaya suddenly got closer with Takamichi-san…”


It felt like Enjou’s eyes had lit up in mirth.

“No! I am fine, thank you!”

Never play with fire!

Oh boy, oh boy! That was close.

“Now, please excuse me!” I said, and headed right back to my classroom.

After all, I had to hurry to class! Today was the day we would be picking which events we would be entering for the Athletics Carnival! There wasn’t any time to concern myself with other people’s romances!

Actually, after the incident with Yukino-kun, I was feeling a little more confident now. Maybe I would enter one of the races this year.

“Reika-sama, will you be entering the costume race again?”

Yeah. Not that race.

<Previous Chapter | Imouto | Next Chapter>

94 thoughts on “Reika-sama – 145”

          1. Shuusuke: “Atta boy, nice job.”
            *pats Yukino’s head affectionately*
            Yukino: “Faking that asthma attack was a brilliant idea!”
            Shuusuke: “One of my finer moments, if I do say so myself.”
            Yukino: “Soon she will fall into our clutches!”

            Liked by 18 people

      1. 3) Enjou probably a muslim.

        What was that supposed to mean? I have muslim friends and they all are very nice

        Enjou is nice? Or human?

        Liked by 6 people

          1. What do you mean with point no 3??? I don’t know that you are so shallow and like to discriminate people like that!!! I have a lot of Muslims friends as well and I feel offended. There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world with different cultures from different countries. Stereotyping act like what you did is very dangerous!!! It’s too bad, but I won’t read and support your blog anymore since I am not impressed with your views. Good bye.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. you are being buthurt, it was a simple joke, this is why “Political correctness” suck all people that behave a little diferent are racist or bigots for those “people”, in the end they are not diferent from the facist all while beliving to be moral superiors to everyone else. you swj suck.

              Liked by 1 person

            2. It was the type of joke where you list stuff and end it with something extremely preposterous that makes the people go WTF. She could have made him Dutch, Australian, or even Brazilian. The point was for people to laugh at the absurdity of the idea. By being offered and having no funny bone you basically played yourself.

              Liked by 2 people

      2. What do you mean with point no 3??? I don’t know that you are so shallow and like to discriminate people like that!!! I have a lot of Muslims friends as well and I feel offended. There are more than 1 billion Muslims in the world with different cultures from different countries. Stereotyping act like what you did is very dangerous!!! It’s too bad, but I won’t read and support your blog anymore since I am not impressed with your views. Good bye.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. — Thanks for the chapter~ ^^.

    Lol. Enjou is having fun wanting to involve Reika-sama~ XD!
    And I would have liked if Reika-sama get another costume, cute, cute!!!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yeah chance of Yukino NOT being a pseudo-siscon for Reika-sama is basically nil now. We just have to wait and see whether it stays as pure admiration or turned into Kaburagi-style infatuation.

    Enjou is so gonna have a field day with this lawl.

    Liked by 16 people

  3. Ahaha…Yukino and Enjou…I’m way too fond of those brothers. Sometimes, I too want to give Reika fluff and the other times..> 7 > teased her a bit~ Idk~ The demon and the angel come in pairs and they bring out a lot of fun in their interactions with Reika lol xD. Thanks for the chapter!

    Liked by 7 people

      1. Well, not really this Reika-sama but my own “Reika-oneesama”, an oneesama that is gentle and takes care of me. I don’t care if she’s a shota-con but have to be holding on to “YES, shota! No, touch!”

        Liked by 2 people

          1. That age difference between Yukino-kun and Reika-sama, if applied to my oneesama, she’ll definitely a christmas cake. Maybe it is time to hun- look for kouhai-chans.


  4. Give costume race another chance!!! Yukino will get over his sickness soon because I believe in the future technology and medicine, or so I hope the author makes that change.


  5. “I wonder why they had suddenly grown so close. I sooooo wanted to know…” me too, Reika-sama I waaaannnnnaaaaaa know lol.😂

    And thank god for the oni training thanks to it Yukino-kun was brought safely to the infirmary.

    Enjou’s such a good Reika-sama reader now, that or he’s just really observant of her😂😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. “I wonder why they had suddenly grown so close. I sooooo wanted to know…” me too, Reika-sama I waaaannnnnaaaaaa know lol.😂

    And thank god for the oni training thanks to it Yukino-kun was brought safely to the infirmary.

    Enjou’s such a good Reika-sama reader now, that or he’s just really observant of her😂😂😂😂 thanks for chapters!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I am not sure if it’s love or not, but now Yukino is at the same place as Mao. As little brother (or sister in Mao case) that Reika love. And Yukino maybe just a little tiny bit got crush on Reika. I mean, someone that so hero-like coming when you’re in need? Reika is so awesome.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Thank you for the chapter!
    “Wanting to seek refuge from the powder-keg the high school was turning into, I often hid in the Handicrafts Club or the Petite Pivoine.” Is Reika-sama playing hide and seek with the pivoine? Also thanks to this she saved Yukino-kun. The powder-keg accomplished it’s mission.
    Good to see Bakaburagi being friendly with Wakaba-chan, but why does he not help her; maybe he would make it worse.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. man, Reika sama is such a wimp. She was like “do not play with fire, you’ll get burn” and when enjou tries to reveal the secret, she’s like “can’t see no evil, can’t hear no evil. lol gotta love that girl. But now i’m curious why they started to hang out together. . but i like it <3 i really enjoy reading this story. Thank you Estelion sama. bless you and your translations

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Enjou you always do something that makes me want her to punch you in the guts again, just do it for the hell of it Reika.. DO EET!

    My lips actually curled into a snarl, that Jerkface. PUNCH HIM!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I rather like Enjou. He’s devious, but for a good cause. Just because you’re a nice person who is also reputed for his magnanimity doesn’t mean you can’t be efficient about it and also mix business with pleasure.

      He’s genuinely grateful to Reika helping with Yukino’s asthma attack.
      That said, he now owes her a favor. And he means it. But just because he’s repaying her doesn’t mean he isn’t going to have a lot of fun doing it. Oh, and naturally, refusing is not an option.

      That whole relationship he has with Reika is fucking hilarious.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Rightt?? But now they seem to be farther and farther away.. even Enjou seems to have more chance than Kaburagi


  11. At least now she has a leash to restrain Enjou with and should not be that oppressed by him and his evil again! Their interactions are getting nicer and nicer thanks to Yukino-kun!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Thx for the chapter o/
    I just woke up, and now there are more chapters to read?! It’s like cristmas already~
    And have to addimit, i was hoping for Bakaburagi to fall for Reika along the way, and the story would go clich like and hebwould.turn considerate towards her, but stil fighting here and there… i guess we are going the other cliche route of ending up together with the friend who might looks nice, but is develish inside


  13. Enjou read my mind again!
    “Want me to tell you? Why Masaya suddenly got closer with Takamichi-san…”
    It felt like Enjou’s eyes had lit up in mirth.
    What are they hiding?


  14. Reika! You heroic knight, you! Kyaaa! ღ///ღ I think I’m in love~
    (shipping glasses-ON) Has an Enjou flag been raised? (Kekeke, for which one? XDD)

    Thanks so much for all your hard work! These just make my days brighter XD

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bakaburagi don’t use that strategy, he’s acting with Wakaba like he acted with Yurie so it’s probably his real feelings


      1. and that reminds me she does admit to be a stalker in the making for her library guy.

        at least with tomoe she was a normal maiden in love

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Nah. Until we have definite evidence that Yukino feels for her in the same way, there’s no point in Reika making a discussion about it.

      Yurie knew at some point that Kaburagi was interested in her as more than a big sister figure but just pretended not to. She could’ve let Kaburagi down earlier and that’s really her only mistake.

      I don’t really blame her for that either. Kaburagi didn’t have a concept of holding back from the brink of an obsession, although I hope he’s changed that with Wakaba and is able to relate to her without needing to throw himself completely at her. That his academic rivalry is an entirely a friendly game between the two of them is a good sign of progress.


      1. really you tend to forget that reika is a beauty, and that has a kind of powerfull efect in some people, plus if that beauty is kind (like yurie and reika are) they tend to give people wrong signals about something in yurie case masaya read all of those signals as his love being acepted (even tough he knew she didnt see him that way at all) and yurie for thinking that she and him wont be damaged for what she did think/decide was a harmless behavior/demeanor/actions and we did see were that lead to.

        and yukino has already started to show signs that he does see reika in a diferent light to the other girls, he want to dance with her, speak with her and spend time with her, and she because he is cute and give her mental peace she agreed to his demand, and she has even acepted gift from him, and dont forget that yukino did feel embarased that reika carried him.

        finally his brother is enjou how could he be normal?

        Liked by 2 people

  15. In some situations of the novel he enjou, he is smiling with if he was having fun with the whole situation.
    So many people are asking the point of view of him or the emperor.


  16. …….. I felt offended with no. 3……. But, hey! It’s a joke right? I mean there are muslims that pretty bad ( really bad). There are those that is really nice. So it is pretty much the same with other people, there are bad people and nice people. So I think the joke went too far, but I think it is fine, but please don’t do it again😅


    1. Dont felt offended my friend..if u think positive..enjou is one of the fav character in tis novel and all ppl here like mean good.

      Thank u for the chaps. I always like ur translation and really enjoy it =)


        1. I can relate ! I mean, people are joking about the pope/their presidents/mexicans/red-heads/god, and then you make a joke about black people or muslims and they start acting like a kicked puppy and how unfair it is for them


  17. The best part of the day is when I notice that there is a new “Reika-sama” chapter. I love it, and I love you guys for translating it. Thank you so much!


  18. After that a rumour a very heroic and gentleman senpai spread through the Petit Pivoine and whenever Reika visits, they would surround her like a god or hero-


  19. After all of the closure involving Kaburagi and Yurie, what if Yukino begins to idolize Reika in the same fashion?

    … Aside from Enjou arranging her death, I guess.


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