Heroine Imouto – 001

Being in a tree is great.
That’s what I thought as I sat on a sturdy branch of the splendid tree in our garden.
My name is Christina Noir. I’m a genius.
At one I could walk, at three I could talk, and by five, I had exhausted all the books in the library.

The household I was born into is a Duke’s family which boasts a 300 year history. Our garden has been maintained by excellent gardeners for generations. Even this tree that I’m sitting on was apparently planted a hundred years ago.
Even after a hundred years, this tree shows no sign of withering. The branch that supported my weight was sturdy and I could feel the tree’s quiet but massive existence from the trunk that supported my back.
What was most wonderful of all though was…..
「Ojou-sama? Christina-ojousama?」
The rampant, lush foliage obstructed the woman’s view as she searched for me from down below.
Calling my name repeatedly was a woman in her mid-thirties. Slim and tall, possessing a slender, straight and well-proportioned back, she was of a strict disposition.
Mariywa Toinette.
She’s the governess employed by my family to oversee my education.
「Christina-ojousama. Where have you run off to, Christina-ojousama? It is all right. If you come out now, I will not be angry. If you come out right now, I promise that I will not reprimand you for running away from your etiquette class. On the other hand, if you do not appear right this instant, I promise you that you will experience the depths of hell.」
Hearing her lie, I snorted and sneered.
「A mere employee dares to threaten me with cheap lies?」

Whilst disdaining her futile search from my elevated spot, I surmised her deception.
At any rate, I’m a rarely seen genius in this world. At one I could walk, at three I could talk, and by five, I had exhausted all the books in the library. Recently at seven, my most exciting memory was when I had won an argument with my Father, causing him to seethe with teary eyes.
As I am a genius, I understood Mariywa’s real intention completely.

「….. Even if I came down and apologised, I’ll be struck with the whip」
Stealthily holding my knees, I decided to ignore the voices from the ground.
No to whips.
Ah, it hurts.
The etiquette teacher my family employed, Mariywa, always had her whip on standby. According to the person herself, she will not use it unless necessary. In reality, she would mercilessly whip me without reservation. Mariywa especially did not like my tone. On the first day, every few words spoken resulted in the whip flying about.
Even if I was the heir to the Duke’s house and were to utilise the age-old sympathetic cry ploy whenever I saw the whip, Mariywa would state, “This is education” with a freezing glance.
Absolutely frightening.
That was enough to freeze the heart of a genius such as myself. That wasn’t a look that treated another human being with dignity. It was akin to a relentless, merciless glare that one cannot express to a despised, poorly trained horse and cause them to shiver from the cold.
Although, to submit to such fear, as a child prodigy born into the house of Duke Noir and christened with the name of Christina Noir, it would be equivalent to weeping. Therefore, particularly today, I boycotted Mariywa’s lessons.
「Christina-ojousama? This is my last warning. If you refuse to come out after hearing this….. Your lessons today will be stricter than before」
「….. Ugh」

It….. It’s a threat after all!
In the past five minutes, I heard the whip fly once, more intensely than usual, in the remote distance. My shoulders instinctively trembled, but not attending the lessons was my victory.
Mariywa was different from the live-in servants who worked here. The time for the pickup carriage to arrive was set in stone and can’t be missed. In other words, if I hide till then, Mariywa can’t meddle with me. Consequently, I would have to wait here until it arrived.
Perfect. Not a piece lacking, it was the perfect, accomplished plan.
「Christina-ojousama? ….. Che」
Bating one’s breath, before long, Mariywa’s resigned form disappeared from sight. Finally, I had a feeling that I heard the unworthy, ill-mannered etiquette teacher, but surely that was my imagination.

「I won…..!」
Victory. Deeply satisfied, I made a guts pose.
「Hahaha! Mariywa! After all, you’re just a lowly servant! To think that with your position that you could best me, Christina Noir, the eldest daughter and heir to the house of Duke Noir! Kukuku….. Fuwahahahahahahhaha!」
Striking a daunting pose on top of the branch, a loud laughter rang out loud. This was an excellent height to gaze from and above all, it was a position that gave a bird’s eye view of the estate. Therefore, it felt good to roar with laughter.

Of course, I had verified that Mariywa was nowhere in plain sight. Even if she had seen me standing on top of the tree laughing, it would have been difficult to strike at me with the whip due to the obstructing branches. Must not think grandiose thoughts. That big-headed governess’ discipline and her torturous tool were plainly lacking characteristics. I thought she wouldn’t dare, yet she would still strike me with absolute conviction.
With that being the case, it’s best to stay hidden. I can’t relax my guard here for if I’m found descending, it would be akin to committing a folly. After all, I’m a genius at cleverly hiding stealthily.
Just like that, I continued playing hide-and-seek.
「—e -samaaaa」
Suddenly, somebody’s call could be heard.
It wasn’t Mariywa, but it was necessary to guard against the possibility of her advancement. If this be the call announcing meal time, then I would need to endure my hunger. This was indeed a wise decision in order to continue hiding and prevent running across anyone.
Doesn’t matter who tries to find me, even if it was Father searching for me personally, I would continue to hide here. With that resolve, I quietly peek at the ground.
Lo and behold, an angel younger than me, that was shaped like a girl, was there.
「Oneee-samaaaa….. Where are youuuuuu…..」
The delicate voice trembled slightly. Hearing that voice, I unhesitatingly leaped off the branch.
For the seven year old me, jumping off from a height as such this was dangerous. However, if it was for the sake of my beloved imouto, this pain was nothing. Safely landing, I stood up boldly and laughed.

Before the very eyes of the me who had jumped down stood one beautiful girl. Compared to the boring black irises and hair I possessed, she had light, golden coloured hair that shone beneath the sunlight. Transparent blue eyes that looked like a copy of the sun suddenly widened in astonishment when I had descended.
This angel was my beloved imouto, Mishuly.

「Onee-chan has answered your call, Mishuly!」
「What, Mishuly! You were looking for me weren’t you? Onee-chan will always be by your side—」
「Well, that’s reassuring. In the future, if Christina-ojousama runs away from her etiquette lessons again, I’ll be sure to call upon Mishuly-sama’s assistance」
Mixed together with the angel’s voice, I heard the voice of a hellish goblin. Turning around, there stood the tall and lean figure of the old maid, Mariywa Toinette.
「….. Why are you even here, Mariywa」
「How about using a smidge of the expressions that I’ve hammered into your brain as proof of my teachings」
「….. May I ask why you are here, Miss Toinette」
For the sake of information, I sold my pride using formal speech that was taught by Mariywa.

The words I used were naturally the qualifying marks. That human-pretending man-eating fiend Mariywa answered me readily.
「To discover the idiotic tomboy who decided to hide in the trees, I borrowed the assistance of Mishuly-ojousama」
「Wha-!? Don’t call me an idiot!」
I protested instinctively at Mariywa’s words. Receiving my outburst, Mariywa responded ingeniously with a raised eyebrow.
「And the idiot would be?」
「It goes without saying! Isn’t that you, a person from hell, who would plan and scheme to use an honest person like Mishuly!?」
Mishuly is the purest existence in the world. It was highly unlikely that this existence would willingly agree to child abuse.
「Hoho. Splendid work, Ojou-sama. As per declaration, today’s class will be stricter. Have you prepared yourself to take a good look at hell?」
「Silence, hellish goblin! For the crime of deceiving Mishuly’s actions, quickly go to hell!」
「Ah….. Erm….. Mariywa said that onee-sama was lost and you didn’t come back during meal time so she was worried…..」
「I’m sorry, Mishuly! This was all your foolish sister’s fault!」
Preoccupied with running away from this hellish ogre, I had made my younger sister insecure. This was a disgrace and unbecoming of the older sister. To the world’s cutest, younger sister who was worried for me, I apologised and hugged tightly.
Mariywa’s argument had implied that I was partly responsible. The uneasy countenance was swayed with a tight embrace, gradually turning into a smile.
「Eh, ehehe」
Uh huh. My younger sister’s smile was definitely becoming. Feeling the body temperature of the angel in my arms, I was convinced again.
「As expected, you’re the cutest in the world, Mishuly」
「A-again, Onee-sama….. ehehe 」
Mishuly’s voice was no longer shrouded with worry. Instead, it was overflowing with shy happiness.
With my younger sister’s worries removed, everything was settled as it should be.

One extremely trivial problem remained.
「Now then, Ojou-sama, relationships between sisters are such blessings….. It is already enough」
According to the hellish ghoul, it appears that I’ll be on a tour to a hell known as etiquette lessons.

However, I must not show my alarm. The reason is because in my arms lie my beloved, heavenly younger sister.

Not giving away a hint of insecurity, I confronted Mariywa with a magnificent, daunting pose.
「Fu, fufufu, fuwaaaahahahaha! Naturally! Let’s do this, Mariywa Toinette! I will turn the tables on you, leaving you speechless!」
「Starting from those expressions. I don’t know what you’ve learned from your mistakes, however prepare yourself, I will reform that vulgar, manly way of speaking」
「O-Onee-sama!? That….. Isn’t that painful? Onee-samaaaa!」
From a wee bit distance, I heard my beloved younger sister’s encouragement. Holding my head which was hit; crouching with teary eyes, I immediately vowed to confront my hardships with courage.

My name is Christina Noir. I’m a genius.
Started walking when I was one, spoke words freely at three, read and exhausted all the books in the library at five and remembered my previous life when I met my beloved angel.
At seven years old, this is the personal, rare story of a proud Duke’s daughter.

<Previous Chapter | Index | Next Chapter>

99 thoughts on “Heroine Imouto – 001”

    1. Started walking when I was one, spoke words freely at three, read and exhausted all the books in the library at five and remembered my previous life when I met my beloved angel.

      She obviously is

      Liked by 18 people

    1. Better to be whipped than have the family fall into the hands of a spoilt aristocrat. Can you imagine how the peasants under someone like that will suffer?

      Liked by 3 people

  1. “as I sat in a sturdy branch”
    -> as I sat on

    “My name is Christina Noir. I’m a genius.”
    Humility. She has it.

    “at three I could talk”
    That one is normal…
    Nah, it’s actually pretty late to start to talk.
    I suppose it means that she was able to talk fluently?

    “no signs of withering.”
    -> no sign

    “Mariywa Toinette.”
    This woman will lose her head.

    “If this be the call announcing meal time”
    -> If this was

    「….. Why are you even here, Mariywa」
    「How about using a smidge of the expressions that I’ve hammered into your brain as proof of my teachings」
    「….. May I ask why you are here, Miss Toinette」
    Those three sentences are questions. But there is no question mark at the end of any of them.

    I like this story already :D

    Christina is acting toward her imouto like I imagine Este acts toward his…
    And she kind of has a Bakarina vibe… Probably because she acts stupidly and was hiding in a tree.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Wow!!! All the edits in the world. Haha, thank you so much for pointing some of those flaws out. Have work tomorrow so I’ve got to head off soon but will add them in when I can ^^!


          1. A revolution happened.
            Este got locked somewhere during that time.
            Ame and Joan had basically taken over the site.
            Pira died (he is still dead in my opinion. Este probably forgot to bring food in the garage)
            All the links on the site became unrecognisable.
            Este’s imouto became weird.
            Nothing to abnormal.

            Liked by 7 people

            1. Nah, it was awesome. Sailor Tsuki made her debut, then became French in the memories of the descendants, and we uncovered the fact that Komo was the real mastermind behind it all.

              Liked by 1 person

      1. “If this be the call announcing meal time”

        This one is fine. It’s an old way of speaking that fits the context. Might want to put some ellipses at the end though…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. AWESOME~! Awesome~! Awesome~!
    This is really great~! I mean, the character of the heroine, ehem, I mean the mc is really amusing, hmmm… interesting~! And the story, settings? is really tugging at me to look at it again and again, whew~!

    How could you~?! You’ve once again baited me to this so called traps of yours~!!! Buttt….! Can’t be helped now, I’ll just have to wait inside this trap~!

    — Thanks for the chapter~ ^^. Really enjoyed reading it and imaging~? imagining? lol ~ :).

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like the MC alot but from the synopsis I can only hope it doesn’t go down the “Sorry, onii-sama” like route. I hope this one is more cheerful than that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m one of those translators that reads whilst translating so I can’t say for sure if it will follow that route. :( Even I’m dreading the inevitable (if it comes to it).


  4. Goddamn it! One cute novel per translation site at a time. Now I’m gonna be twice as kill crazy while I wait for my fix of Kenkyo, Kenjitsu o Motto ni Ikite Orimasu and this. And before any says so I no that this is by a different translator, but they are still on the some site.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This happened to me too… It could have made for an interesting story. Somehow.

      And I can’t seem to get over the governess’ name.

      Thanks for the new project, new translator-san.


      1. I know… Even when I was translating it, I kept thinking “Marie Antoinette”? It’s not though the name sounds rather close.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Speaking of new projects, I recently found “Demon Noble Girl ~Tale of a Gentle Demon~”. There’s MTL of the first 8 chapters around, but the translator would like a proper translator to take over since MTL simply cannot do it justice.

    The story seems like something you might be interested in. It’s about a girl who reincarnates as a formless demon, accidentally goes for the most adorable form possible when choosing her form, gets adobted by a nice older demon, and then semi-accidentally enters the mortal realm and takes over the body of a stillborn illegitimate child of a noble.

    It’s all kinds of adorable, there are a lot of misunderstandings similar (though less pronounced) to Tilea, etc.

    The translated chapters can be found here:https://ensigblog.wordpress.com/current-works-main/gentle-demon-main/

    The Raw is here: http://ncode.syosetu.com/n3479cu/

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Kay. I only know the first few chapters and it seemed promising enough so far. (Though I tend to be optimistic near the beginning of most stories I pick up.)


    1. I like this project as well but am a bit hesitant to pick it up due to the time restraints I have atm. (Working full time so I can’t translate except on the weekends).

      Even if I do this project, I’ll be posting it on Ainushi Translations as the story has a light fuwaness like Happy Life.


      1. Thanks for considering it. The current MTL pace seems to be one chapter every few weeks, which is one of the reasons I felt comfortable telling this to translators who already have a full plate.


  6. I think this is a new favorite candidate. Mostly because apparently her personality didn’t really change all that much (if at all), and the whole “my imouto is an angel” and siscon thing. I’m expecting her to not give the cliche romance interests (prince, marquis son, etc) the light of day.
    Just when I thought this whole “reincarnated in Otome game” thing was overdone.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. She’s gonna died at this rate. Not from her bad ending but from the punishments received from the he’ll globin.👿😂 Fighto! Christina gambatte! ✌🙌

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Imouto! Oneechan!!! Uuuoooh! Beautiful! OTL, please marry me, translator-sama. We can elope to Angola.
    And, another one joins the Duke’s Daughter Dynasty. My mental image of Christina is that of an arrogant, adorable monkey, while Mishuly is a pure dose of sugar.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. <.<;;;; idk about everyone else but the name I have consist of majority of the nicknames I've used throughout my life. Even I think it's a handful! Lol


      1. Oh! :O I thought you were just being a cute imouto following onii-chan’s example. Sorry for misunderstanding, I see now they were all your own names. I think I’ll just try to memorize the Kriz part hahaha. Unless it’s gotta be Krrizis?!


  9. I’m kinda scared of starting to read this because of the synopsis. The MC might end up like a certain bastard prince who garnered infamy as “Zero” and made himself an enemy of the world and let himself get killed in the end, everything was planned for his beloved imouto. It’s been a decade already since I watched it but it left a scar in my heart. Would this have a relatively bad ending? Will this have feels?


  10. Just wanted to say, this is the first translation I’ve read from you and it’s at a very professional level. Far, far better than most translations I read. Though that may be a credit to the source material.

    The story looks super interesting and the MC looks to be a character. Looking forward to the next chapters.


  11. thanks—!
    haha, hey, i discovered this today, lol! wonderful family relationships?! sign me up—! well, i still wonder how this’ll play out, but i will follow it for now—!
    i’m very much interested in christina! not really about mishuly though…
    lol,everyone in the house knows christina’s weakness, huh…
    but by virtue of christina treating mishuly well, the future has already started to change…!


  12. Mishuly I believe should be Michelle… I’m a fan of Japanese and Chinese names.. But.. I think Michelle is better to use than Mishuly in this novel since the heroine’s name is Christina.


    1. Hey Bhlover, thanks for the comment.

      Just like Mariwa Toinette bares resemblance to Marie Antoinette, Mishuly’s name also bares some resemblance to another familiar name. No spoilers on what that is though for now as that’s to be translated much later in the future. Let’s just say, the author’s a troller.

      It is, however, the reason why I went with the name Mishuly. Much cuter and less obvious than the actual name it’s supposed to be. (Also, nope. It’s definitely not Michelle).


  13. The MC’s family must be crazy to hire an educator that uses a whip. I’d run away from her too. Ganbare, Christina, you are a genius (or so you say).


  14. It took her a while year to start walking? Pffft, I’ve started running after 9 months! *smug face*


  15. The way that the protagonist acts, talks and thinks kind of hint at that she was a guy in her previous life. I wonder if this was the case?


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