Reika-sama – 001

I have memories of my previous life────────

…No, I’m not a headcase. It’s too embarrassing to tell anybody at all, but it’s the truth.

I realised it around the time I was about to take my elementary school entrance exams.
I’ve always kind of thought, ‘Huh, I think I’ve seen this somewhere~’ about my name “Kisshouin Reika”.
It happened on a day when Okaasama said, “Reika-chan, this is the school you’re going to attend starting next year, you know.” and brought me in front of this building surrounded by a brick wall.
Next to that large gate were the words 『Zui’ran Academy – Primary School Section』, and in particular, the words 『Zui’ran Academy』 shot through my head.

“Zui’ran Academy” and “Kisshouin Reika”? They were the names of the school and the character that appeared in 『kimi wa boku no dolce』 or 『you are my dolce』!!

And as for that feeling of joy you get from solving a vague mystery that’s been bothering you for many years (having said that though, it’s only been a few since I was born), I didn’t really get it.
‘I see, I see. Kimidol, huh~? Woww, I feel so refreshed now. I see~.’ or so I was thinking, when in the next moment, my face paled at my own situation.

『you are my dolce』.

It was a popular shoujo manga in my past life. After the serialisation finished, it was turned into a drama with popular idols as the cast.
The story began when a commoner scholarship student protagonist entered the high school section of private school that girls from decent families attended.
The commoner protagonist couldn’t get used to the rich students who were incredible with everything they did. Even so, she somehow made friends with the few commoner students there, and worked hard every day at her hobby of making sweets.
And one day, she met with the boy known as ‘Emperor’ within the school, and fell in love. However, his followers wouldn’t allow the commoner protagonist to get close to him, and relentlessly harassed her.

Well, the ringleader of the harassment was Kisshouin Reika though; in other words, me.

In the end, after overcoming numerous hardships, the two of them got together and lived happily ever after. However, at the very, very end, Kisshouin Reika who had continually bullied and tormented the protagonist once again got in their way, and using her parents’ influence even went as far as getting engaged with the Emperor. And so, during the party where the engagement was to be announced, she was completely and utterly taken down.
In front of all the guests, the Emperor gave the shocking announcement that he was engaged to the protagonist, and on top of being majorly humiliated, as revenge for all the bullying she had done until then, the Kisshouin company had its stocks bought up and was taken over, Reika’s father’s fraud was exposed, and the entire family fell into ruin.
Reika who had a strong sense of being ‘chosen’ above others and who had looked down on commoners was expelled from the upper class, and fell to the commoner class.
With her prided curls disheveled, Reika gave a mad scream, and with the readers thinking back on her villainous ways until now, they all thought “Serves you right!” and felt refreshed. In my past life, I screamed “Hell yeah!” as well.

However, if this is how my current life ends, then the situation has changed. It’s definitely no good, that kind of thing is no good.
As for why, it’s because I’ve become that complete villain, Kisshouin Reikaaaaa!!

Please, if this is a dream, let me wake up from it.




────────Unfortunately, I did not wake up from the dream.

The shock to my five-year-old body was too great, and I collapsed on the spot, and stayed in bed with developmental fever.
While having feverish nightmares of my certain future of ruin, I cried in terror.

To begin with, in my old life I was a complete commoner.
From my primary to high school, all of them were public schools, and in my high school days I worked a part time job to save up for a mobile.
I was born to an incredibly average salaryman family, and with a medium build and a common face, I was honestly a girl you could find just about anywhere.

I remember as far as graduating from vocational school and looking for a job. I can’t remember anything from after that. I have absolutely no memory of getting married, or having children, or approaching old age.
Could it be that I died around 20? That’s what it means to have no memories past there, right?
Or could it be that for some reason or other I’ve become a vegetable, and right now I’m continuing to dream of a manga that I liked from back when I was healthy?

Rather than a reincarnation story that I’d see in a dream, a story about dreaming as a vegetable seems more likely though.

Only, it was tough when I had the fever, when I fall over it hurts, and my meals are yummy too. The sensations were too realistic.
As long as I knew how real these sensations were, I just couldn’t really decide “It’s just a dream anyway, so it’s fine~”.
It didn’t matter if I’d reincarnated or if this was a dream, but if I was possessing someone else’s body, anybody was fine, so I really wished it could be anyone other than Reika. I sincerely thought so, you know.

After recovering from my teething fever, the first thing I thought was ‘Wouldn’t it be fine to fail the exam to Zui’ran Academy then?’.

Zui’ran Academy is the pinnacle of schools for rich people. Just going to the school is a better status symbol than anything else.
My Kisshouin family is a powerful one that hails from a Kazoku aristocratic house, and manages a number of companies. Both of my parents believe in the importance of bloodline, and are basically lumps of pride that believe that they’re a special type of human.
And so, from before I was even a year old I was going to infant classes, in order to hammer in what I needed for the Zui’ran Academy entrance exam. Even the kindergarten I went to was one that boasted high rates of Zui’ran entrances; a ‘brand name’ kindergarten, you see.
I think at this rate, with my lineage, parentage, and assets, I’m going to get into Zui’ran. But if I go to school there, I’ll meet with disaster in the end.

If I don’t get involved with the main characters and live my own life, perhaps I’ll be able to avoid destruction.
I mean, Zui’ran isn’t the only rich people school. There are plenty of schools for Ojousamas, aren’t there?
Right! That’s what I’m going to do!

Or so I had determined, but the moment I saw my parents’ faces, my determination wavered.
As lumps of pride, wouldn’t my parents treat the daughter who “failed to get into Zui’ran” as the dregs of our family and just abandon me?
I do have the memories as an adult from my old life(?), but living as a 5 year old whose parents treat her coldly would be tough.

And also, even if I failed to get into the Primary School Section, I can still get in during the Middle School Section.
Well, Zui’ran has “that”, so only those who get in during Primary School are real Zui’ran Students, and even if I got in during the Middle School Section, I doubt my parents would fully approve.

Okaasama is acting like I’ve already gotten in (she told me “this is the school you’re going to attend.” before I even took an exam, after all). And almost all my relatives are attending Zui’ran, or have graduated from Zui’ran.
As for the courage I’d need to purposefully fail in an environment like this, it’s absolutely impossible for me now that I’ve gotten back the memories of a cowardly super-plebeian.

Can’t be helped. Guess I’ll resign myself and go.

But I’m going to give it my all to avoid becoming a villainess character like in the original manga. It’s tough being hated, right?
And even if I can’t avoid that, I want to at least start planning for what happens after my family is ruined.

1. Cherish harmony amongst others. Don’t make needless enemies.
2. Do not waste money. Steadily save up the pocket money you get. Set aside college tuition for after the fall.
3. Do not get involved with the Emperor. Naturally, do not get involved with the Protagonist who will appear during the High School Section.
4. Show no interest in other people’s romance, or else show a smile and faintly flaunt the fact that you won’t get in their way. “Faintly” is important here; you can’t have too much of a presence.
5. Even if you do fall into ruin, make sure to find a job that will provide for your meals. The goal is a government worker.

Alright. Guess that’s good enough for now.

Unwilling villainess, Kisshouin Reika, will now give it her all to lead a life of peace and tranquility!




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65 thoughts on “Reika-sama – 001”


      trolling to the MMAAAAAAXXX yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



  1. YEY YES YES! I’ve been waiting for this to be translating again! Thank you very much for picking it up.


  2. Going to wait until you have reached a chapter I haven’t read yet… Then read them all at once :)

    Thanks for doing this series.


  3. I haven’t read this one from the other translator, but this piques my interest. I’ll follow this, and i’ll try not to spoil myself with the 21 chapters on the other site.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The girl that’s sitting in the corner of the room while laughing really creepily in the middle of night later being seen by her brother without her knowing, what was she doing I wonder? A. Eating snacks B. Counting money C. Playing otome games

    No, really, what was she doing?

    Liked by 9 people

  5. Woo-hoo!!! I was just in the mood to re-read it as well~~~ Thanks so much for all your hard work ani-ue!! Also “and I collapsed on the stop” stop —> spot?????

    Also, I am vastly amused by people’s comments… yes… XD XD XD

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for the chapter.

    The silly thing about these reincarnated as a villain stories are that the MCs are all panicky and over-reacting when the only thing they need to do to NOT get in trouble is avoid being a bullying asshole. They could simply be another side character that way, and with the MC of this one knowing in advance her father is performing fraud she can know to obtain job skills to work in other places before he gets called out and his company crushed.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey, the field was a perfectly viable method of survival in her situation if everything self-destructed. It’s not her fault that she blundered into the best possible end.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. >a cowardly super-plebiean.


    >And almost all my relatives are []attention[] Suiran, or have graduated from Suiran.


    ‘ ‘a So are you going to make a new TOC to include this + previously done ones (plebeian tensei)?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m glad to see you’re picking up this series and giving it the attention it deserves. I know others were complaining about it starting at chapter 1 but I agree with your approach: It needed to be re-done.

    Looking forward to reading more!


  9. Dooooooh! Since I already have so many mangas that I’m waiting for new chapters for, and a few WN/LNs, I try not to start anything new until it’s finished and fully translated. But I like the stories here so much, I JUST CAN’T HELP IT! MUST READ! HNNNNNNNN!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Reading the ToC made me think it was gonna be her reincarnating at the point right after the manga ended, namely out MC would have to deal with the aftermath of her body’s previous owner being a total b***. But this is nice too.

    Thanks for the translation!!


  11. I just rereading this and just see this sentence.

    4. Show no interest in other people’s romance, or else show a smile and faintly flaunt the fact that you won’t get in their way. “Faintly” is important here; you can’t have too much of a presence.

    Really! and now I know why she must crush all those flag when there is some girl near the guy with the love for him.


  12. Well i just wondering why she already thought that her family will be ruined if she go to that school already set in the stone?
    Isnt it fine if you didnt bully the protagonist cause thats the reason why her family will be ruined.
    Well, its better to be safe than not~,


  13. well I’m pretty sure it wont happen but wouldn’t the story have been nice if the mc ended up with the commoner girl :)


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