Reika-sama – 209

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T-T-The Tashinami chapters are coming. Honest! Seriously.

Also sorry for the delay of this chapter. Had a busy week at work last week, and didn’t want to use more brainpower while I was at home.

Also got stuck into this, which is hilarious and adorable:

Today Oniisama and I were going to a French restaurant for some duck.

It was a little late, but this was his White Day present to me.

Apparently the reason he had been so busy recently was because he was given responsibility for a major project.

He really had come back late every day, and even when he was home I often caught him in front of his PC.

It was rough being an adult, wasn’t it.

Anyway, since things were finally easing up on that end, tonight he was taking me to the dinner he had promised me.

It was the first time in a while that he had taken me out to eat. So happy.

I put a bit more care than usual into my curls tonight.

My dress was a new favourite as well.

With Oniisama escorting me, I felt like a princess~!

“Sorry that this took so long.”

“Please do not be! I know how busy you are with work, so please do not mind it.”

Beyond the candlelight, Oniisama smiled kindly in response.

“I do hope that you are not pushing yourself too hard though,” I said. “You must take care of your health, Oniisama.”

“Thanks. It’s just that this project had to succeed. Everyone knows I’m going to take over the company. If I didn’t get some achievements on my own, they’d look down on me for being a useless rich kid. I’m hoping that with this I’ve changed their minds across the board.”


You’re so admirable, Oniisama!

Not just coasting on the fruits of your family, but working hard to make everybody accept you.

That was my prided Oniisama for you!

“I really respect you, Oniisama! As your younger sister I could scarcely be more proud!” I said with a clenched fist.

“You’re exaggerating,” he laughed between sips of wine.

“How is it, Oniisama? The wine today,” I clarified.

“I think you’d like it. It’s not too strong.”

Since he liked it, I had the sommelier take the label off for me.

I was collecting the labels of wines that my family enjoyed.

If my family hadn’t fallen into destitution by the time I was 20, I was planning on trying every one of them.

Oniisama said that the company was going well, so happy days of chugging expensive wines were soon to come.

My past life experience with alcohol was more or less limited to the sour I had at an izakaya.

That’s why I was really looking forward to this.

I wasn’t the best drunk in my last life, but I was pretty sure it would be fine this time around!

Hmm, but wow.

Mr. Duck was pretty delicious.

I opened wide for another bite.

“By the way, Reika, how have you and Kaburagi Masaya-kun been recently?”


The duck was stuck in my throat!

I couldn’t do anything shameful in a place like this, so I tried my best to swallow it.

“Are you okay, Reika?”

“…Yes, Oniisama.”

As expected of Oniisama.

Cutting to the chase just as his opponent was about to inhale.

That shook me up.

His interrogation tactics were top notch.

“Even if you say ‘recently’, nothing in particular has changed…”

“Really? But at the flower-viewing party the two of you were pretty close, right?”

So he noticed…

But we were mostly definitely not close!

“We do speak to each other, yes, but neither do we particularly like nor dislike each other,” I explained.

I didn’t have anything to feel guilty about, but it still felt a little awkward.

I pretended to concentrate on the food and avoided looking at him.

“I see,” he said. “Then what about Shuusuke-kun from the Enjou family?”


“…Same as the above.”

Give me a break…

I want to talk about Enjou even less…

“He had a pretty girl with him that night. Do you know her?”

“I have heard that she is a relative of the Enjou family…”

“Oh? A relative, huh?”

Oniisama gave a meaningful smile.

Eh? What now…?

“Ah well, if anything happens, you let me know, alright?”

“Yes, Oniisama,” I nodded obediently.

“I’ve been pretty worried recently. You’re hiding so many things from me now.”


I looked up in shock to find Oniisama smiling happily at me.

Oniisama, just how much do you already know…?




Today was Buddha’s Birthday.

At the temple I placed hydrangeas by the Buddha statue.

Lord Buddha.

I am a pious, and diligent buddhist.

Unlike the masses who are influenced by Western culture, I have never celebrated such heathen events as Christmas or Valentine’s Day.

Today on your birthday, I have come to pay my respects to you.

Please, grant me a dreamy romance!

And also a peaceful year at school!




There was an class trip scheduled for 3rd years later on.

That’s why it was a big deal who ended up in your new classes.

When I nervously checked the class roster myself, somehow I managed to get both Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan in my class this year!

I don’t think this had happened since primary school!

“We’re in the same class, Reika-sama!”

“The three of us are going to have a great year!”

“I’m so happy! Please keep looking after me this year!”

We were all overjoyed.

Could this be the power of Lord Buddha at work!?

“But it’s a shame that Kaburagi-sama and Enjou-sama are in different classes this year, isn’t it~” Serika-chan said regretfully.

Kaburagi, Enjou, me, and Fellow Stalking Horse.

All of us were in different classes.

Maybe this was a deliberate move from the school with the power balance in mind.

It was going to be a rough class trip for whoever was in Kaburagi or Enjou’s classes, so I was really very lucky.

Could this be the power of Lord Buddha at work as well!?

Anyway, I ended up as class rep again.

It was pretty much custom by now, so I just stayed silent and accepted it.

My partner was Satomi-kun from my class in 1st Year.

I was pretty happy about that.

Since I already knew what kind of person he was, the job had just gotten easier.

“I’ll be in your care, Kisshouin-san,” he said.

“Likewise,” I replied.

There was one other person of note in my class.

Sitting in the classroom, looking towards us like he had seen the Four Horsemen, was Tagaki-kun.

In the end, Tagaki-kun had been terrified of me the entire Spring Holiday cram course.

I headed over to give him an extra gentle hello.

With Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan, the three of us surrounded the seated Tagaki-kun at his desk.

“Tagaki-kun, I have been entrusted with the role of class representative this year. I trust that you will cooperate with me, no?”


The plan was to speak to him kindly, so why did it come out like I was threatening him?

Um, Tagaki-kun’s complexion had turned from ashen to deathly white.

Serika-chan, Kikuno-chan, maybe if you could stop asking him ‘Capisce?’

Tagaki-kun, don’t cry?



After the opening ceremony finished, I headed to the Pivoine salon.

Greeting the new 1st years was one of the reasons, but another was a message I received last night from Kaburagi.

‘Went to the library with her today, but had an incident. Details tomorrow, so come to the salon!’

Ahhh geeez~

I guess I was stuck going along with his romance consultations again…

Going back to the message though, Kaburagi had always been the type to immediately put my suggestions to action.

Would I call this being willing to learn, or being an idiot?

When I reached the salon, Kaburagi was already waiting for me.


<Previous Chapter | Imouto | Next Chapter>

88 thoughts on “Reika-sama – 209”

  1. Hahaha heathen events like Christmas and Valentine’s, you were the one who lied about hanging out with your ‘air friends’ so you couldn’t celebrate with Yukino-kun. As for Valentine’s, Reika’s single and none of her crushes work out so… yeap. LOLOLOLOLOL

    Bakaburagi’s ‘incident’ in the library. I bet he ended up studying together with Fellow Stalking horse-kun and Wakaba, and ended ul not talking much with his beloved Wakaba. Kekekekekeke

    Liked by 30 people

    1. Just as our Lady of Drills had planned. Vice Village Chief Stalking Horse and Bakaragi neutralize each other, and Reika swoops in to guide Wakaba down the true route resplendent with lilies.

      Now she needs to pull out a brace of pistols for a duel, and direct Takagi and some other sap to set up on the grassy knoll during the duel. Serika and Kikuno would then silence the patsies from grassy knoll number 2. With those two out of the the way, the route is clear for Cornet-chan.

      Liked by 13 people

  2. >> If my family hadn’t fallen into destitution by the time I was 20, I was planning on trying every one of them.
    >> Oniisama said that the company was going well, so happy days of chugging expensive wines were soon to come.

    She’s getting more confident about her family surviving now.

    >> I wasn’t the best drunk in my last life, but I was pretty sure it would be fine this time around!

    Now that she’s raised the flag she’s obviously going to be terrible. There are several different ways it would turn out so I’m looking forward it to!

    >> I pretended to concentrate on the food and avoided looking at him.
    >> “I see,” he said. “Then what about Shuusuke-kun from the Enjou family?”
    >> Guheh-!

    The second time had to be on purpose right?

    Are you trying to kill your sister?! And yes she would die from something like this. It’s Reika!

    >> My partner was Satomi-kun from my class in 1st Year.

    >> I headed over to give him an extra gentle hello.
    >> With Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan, the three of us surrounded the seated Tagaki-kun at his desk.
    >> “Tagaki-kun, I have been entrusted with the role of class representative this year. I trust that you will cooperate with me, no?”
    >> Hmm?
    >> The plan was to speak to him kindly, so why did it come out like I was threatening him?


    >> Going back to the message though, Kaburagi had always been the type to immediately put my suggestions to action.
    >> Would I call this being willing to learn, or being an idiot?



    I’m not really an Enjou shipper but I don’t see any other interpretation of Reika’s thoughts and actions here.

    Liked by 19 people

    1. >> Satomi-kun,who?
      He is the class rep of Reika’s class from Sophomore year. He is the guy who got a glimpse of Reika’s real self and have lots of fun playing her. He is the reason she wore mouse costume and sheep butler getup.

      Interesting analysis you have there.

      Liked by 9 people

    2. Sadly, Reika hasn’t softened up to Enjou enough. For a girl so desperate for romance she sure goes out of her way to avoid the eligible men in her life.

      Liked by 9 people

        1. Yeah, seriously.

          All the “eligible” guys she meets are either too old for her (albeit acceptable, but we all know on the meta it’s probably not going to happen, like that handsome uncle guy with the cute niece who admires Reika, or Imari), or manipulative (Enjou/Bakaburagi), or just plain outside her strike zone (like the yandere friend’s BF, the guy obsessed with his dog, or Enjou’s/Wakaba’s little brother).

          They’re candy for her mind since they’re handsome and/or cute, but there’s nobody serious on the plate yet. Enjou’s closest, but his actions have actually made poor, easily-startled Reika run away rather than get her closer to him.

          In all honesty, I’m pleasantly surprised that the onii-sama route is still hypothetically open (which would mean living alone as a family spinster in practicality), if only because every single other flag for Reika keeps burning down for one reason or another.

          Liked by 6 people

          1. I was speaking more along the lines of all the boys she dodged back at the party. It puts it into perspective that Reika is soft turning down a ton of boys already.


          2. With an age difference that large, especially considering she’s a minor and a high schooler, it is very much unacceptable.
            The routes currently open (as I see it) are Village Chief, Enjou, Onii-sama, and Wakaba. In decreasing order of likelihood (and funnily enough, almost in increasing order of my preference).

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow… shorter than expected? Or because nothing much happen it feels short?
    You know… Even with no shipper glasses on, I feel the author push Enjou forward as Reika’s pairing candidate more than anyone else. In a sense that while Kaburagi is regarded as her herald of demise… she doesn’t really feel as endangered as she was back in the beginning for him…
    Well- she know he is an idiot after all.
    In the other hand Enjou… aside from his capability to see through her, and that one time getting her in trouble with making Reika a class rep to clean after Kaburagi… Reika is surely more conscious of Enjou.
    Not in good way but- the point is, he is very suspiciously do a lot of stuff to get involved with her.In fact, whether there’s a romantic connotation in his action or just being a teasing haraguro- he keep dragging her into their affair (Kaburagi & Enjou)
    He makes her clean up after them, cheer Kaburagi up, looking after Yukino~ and spill some of his own personal info (White day date, Yuiko’s identity and so on) to Reika even if she didn’t ask.
    In fact he is often almost forcing those info on her.

    Even more suspicious- Onii-sama didn’t push more question about Kaburagi after Reika voiced out her neutrality in regards to him. However he tried to dig deeper for Enjou.
    Which make me wonder if there’s something about Enjou that tip Onii-sama off on something. Especially his dubious but meaningful smile on “Relative huh.”

    Thank you for the translation.

    Liked by 16 people

    1. I’m suspicious of Reika too. She does seem too conscious of Enjou.

      On the other hand, Enjou is 100% interested in Reika. No doubt there. Amongst other things he’s intentionally thrown completely sincere compliments her way a bunch of times.

      Even recently, he escaped from his fiance candidate to talk with Reika, introduced her as his relative straight up and then tried to bring Reika along when his fiance candidate started dragging him away.

      Liked by 18 people

      1. Nah- while Reika did mention in face department Enjou’s fit her preference… I am sure on her side she is more conscious of him because he is more dangerous than Kaburagi. Reika is bad at dealing with both of them, Kaburagi is easier to handle because Reika know the guy is weak to his crush and can be handled with taking advantage of this. Enjou in the other hand… has nothing she can hold over his head.

        Speaking of sincere compliment… yeah- but those are useless on Reika who see it as complete lip service.

        Yeah, the way he inform her of Yuiko’s existence is also as suspicious as hell. He told her that Yuiko is his fiancee before pausing as if waiting for reaction- then he corrected himself that to be exact Yuiko is a candidate. Also as you mention… he went out his way to approach her right in front of Yuiko. Even going as far as persistent (in his way) to keep her company.
        Also- some other character’s POV mention him in suspicious way at least three times- I read other translation over in ffnet- and later on Satomi will get his own POV, he also mention Enjou.

        Liked by 9 people

        1. @sakuhimenohyakka
          One of the cooler hints is that Katsuragi is jealous of Reika for apparently no reason. I think it was mentioned that he lost to Kaburagi in a cavalry battle and then it was rumored that he developed a strange sense of rivalry with Reika. Then he goes to confront Reika about how she’s no good for Enjou. She noogies him and you know the rest.

          I suspect that Enjou’s own male followers might already know of his interest in Reika. Either that or Katsuragi is super gay for Enjou and pays an unusual amount of attention to Enjou.

          Liked by 7 people

          1. Okay here we go, I’ve compiled all the sources. Katsuragi is one of those minor characters who has been with us since the beginning and he actually has an entire subplot that’s easy to overlook. He’s almost an Easter Egg and it’s fun to read between the lines with him.

            Chapter 32

            Before long, the girls and boys ignored me and started arguing by themselves.
            Aah, it’s beyond my control now.

            “Okay, enough.”

            Enjou clapped his hands together as he entered the class.

            “Katsuragi, could you perhaps cause a little less trouble for Kisshouin-san? Just hurry up and fix your event entries already.”

            Apparently the naughty kid was acquainted with Enjou, and immediately turned obedient.
            Even the noisy class instantly began to behave, and the girls were entranced by Enjou’s show of leadership.
            Dammnnnn ittttt, is this the difference between a leader and a faker!?

            Chapter 71

            As the Emperor was taking down his enemies… suddenly, a 1st year team charged in at the Emperor! How reckless!


            The 1st year rider bravely attacked, but he was still no match for the Emperor. First his arm was grabbed, and then not only was his headband was ripped out along with his hair, he was tossed to the ground as well.


            No, no, I really admire your spirit, First Year-kun. You look like a muddy mess though.
            Emperor snorted at him atop his steed, before heading off to battle Stalking Horse. At some point, the two of them had become the last riders.

            Chapter 72

            But anyway, that Glasses-chan might look really docile but she actually has quite the gossip. Compared to a fake spy like me, she’s like the real thing.
            From funny stories to useful intel, she tells me all sorts of things.
            I don’t have many kouhai who look up to me, so Glasses-chan makes me really happy.
            I asked her to call me “Reika-senpai” instead of “Reika-sama”.
            She also told me that the 1st Year who got beaten up in the cavalry battle started having these weird feelings of rivalry with me. Why?

            “People say that Katsuragi-kun is an idiot, so please be careful,” she warned.

            Chapter 78

            “Truuly such a cretinous bird. Worry not. I have no feelings towards Enjou-sama at all. I will not get in the way of your love for him. Society still has much progress to be made towards completely understanding homosexuality, but there is no harm in fantasising as you please. Do as you deign appropriate.”

            “Wha-, I’m not-”

            OHOHOHOHOHO, I can’t heaar youuu~


            So my interpretation is that Katsuragi was always an Enjou fan going back to grade school and liked him so much he wanted to impress him by beating Kaburagi in the cavalry battle.

            It’s possible he noticed Enjou paying attention to Reika and started lashing out of jealousy. Although Reika was just trolling Katsuragi, she might be unintentionally correct that he’s gay.

            Later on, he keeps rubbing in Yuiko’s apparent connection to Enjou. I think at this point he’s just motivated out of jealous spite. He still won’t let go of the idea that Reika is interested in Enjou, despite Reika’s repeated denials.

            Liked by 9 people

          2. He is a nice Easter egg indeed, and very inconspicuous in Reika’s book either. Why? Since the very start, Reika has known by first hand experience and information from Ririna’s spy friend that he is an idiot. So Reika took what Katsuragi said, or rather his whole existence really (LOL) with a grain of salt if not total joke. From what I see it’s more of the later really~

            Also the strange part is, Katsuragi seems to be totally blind/refuse to see the fact that Enjou (if he stalk our haraguro prince so closely) ALWAYS the one who approach Reika and never the other way around. At the very least Reika never go anywhere near Enjou if it’s not Yukino related.

            Yet, Katsuragi insist that Reika is the active party of their relationship. If anything, the way Katsuragi stubbornly harping on Reika make me feel he is in denial of something. He DID see but refuse to acknowledge.
            With shipping google on, I can almost sure it’s Enjou’s interest towards Reika.
            I mean, it’s quite apparent that even with Reika as unreliable narrator the exchange of dialogue between Enjou and Yuiko is very tense and unnatural.
            What did Enjou said to Yuiko who went out her way to visit Suiran to drink his latte?
            She doesn’t have to come to Suiran, as he could make her some at home.
            translation: Don’t come to my school.
            He also openly says Yuiko was enjoying another men’s company in front of Reika, even though Yuiko feigned it as Enjou is jealous… this can be also interpreted as Enjou slandering her in front of Reika. It doesn’t sound harmful at first, but since Reika know she is a candidate of his fiancee that’s a huge slap on Yuiko’s reputation.
            And his retort to her teasing of being jealous is also sarcastic, “I wonder.” that almost sounds like “Don’t flatter yourself.”
            If this how Enjou treat Yuiko in regular basis, comparing in how Enjou treat Reika… it’s no wonder Katsuragi behave the way he does.

            Liked by 4 people

          1. Yes, there are four classes in Elementary school (and all those children are Internals).

            It’s mentioned that in Middle school a third of the student body consists of Externals (so four classes + whatever number of Externals there is = I have no idea…. btw, what is the averige number of students in a japanese class anyway)

            And Reika says that in High school they get another hundred or so Externals on top of that, and have rougly 300 students per year. So


    1. Oh, I didn’t think of that. Wait, is Wakaba even in the same year as them?

      If she’s in the same year then probably Enjou or Stalking Horse. Otherwise Reika would have said something.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wakaba is in the same year as Reika and co. Reika looked for her name in her class roster during their first year.

        I’ll bet she’s in Enjou’s class. That way, it’ll be a fair play between Mizusaki and Kaburagi.

        Liked by 4 people

    2. I’ll bet on Reika’s class, Wakaba’s the perfect excuse for Author-sama to get Reika even more involved with those three guys while getting in better public terms with her…

      Liked by 2 people

  4. thanks for the chapter (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
    hahaha reika didn’t know that his oniisama is a closed sister complex!!
    he knows more than you though reika!! (・ω<)☆
    poor tagaki-kun~~ (。ŏ_ŏ)
    reika sometimes forget that his face already so intimidating even before she speak and smile!! hahaha (^Д^)

    Liked by 4 people

  5. As expected of Oniisama, his information gathering is indeed top notch. How fearsome.

    But Reika-sama… it sounds like you’ve given up on avoiding Bakaragi and might actually be enjoying his stupidity…?

    Liked by 6 people

  6. You rock, onii-sama! Asking the questions the readers would like to ask! What is up with that meaningful smile?

    Onii-sama, if Reika-sama tells you about something, please share your knowledge with us too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yay! An Oniisama chapter! He’s such a hard-working young man~ But Reika really can’t hide anything from him. Hmmm, scoping out your little sister’s prospective dating pool, huh. O-Oniisama, you’re not going to wear shipping glasses now, are you? ( ་ ⍸ ་ )

    “I wasn’t the best drunk in my last life, but I was pretty sure it would be fine this time around!” ⇎_⇎ …Reika, that is lightweight mentality. Stop. It’s too dangerous! (ⅈ▱ⅈ)

    And what piousness. Interesting that her “proof” is that she never celebrated a couples’ holiday. (*^∀゚)ъ

    Every action Reika takes seems to make her appear even more ferocious in Tagaki’s eyes. Singling him out like that… (´ ˘ `;)

    As for Bakaburagi, safe to say he’s completely useless with romance.

    Thanks so much for the update! Hope you don’t get too stressed with work in the future!

    Liked by 6 people

  8. [I headed over to give him an extra gentle hello.

    With Serika-chan and Kikuno-chan, the three of us surrounded the seated Tagaki-kun at his desk.]

    Takagi-kun ganbare!!!

    Geez Reika, pay attention to your surrounding!!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. *falls to knees*
    Best Onii-sama! That’s it! Ship our Reika with Enjou!
    Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip. I’ll go get the packing tape ready!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. This Takagi sucker is appearing regularly, wonder if he will upgrade from joke character to more decent or romance potential? Lol i can picture the timid reformed bad boy is being lead by nose by scary ojousama hohoho!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thanks for the chapter!

    I’m starting to get into the ReikaxKaburagi ship. It’s one of the few where they have things to offer to each other. For example, Reika is pretty much the only person Kaburagi has gotten significant advice from, and Kaburagi’s recommendations/standards in food is something Reika truly appreciates (e.g. Kaburagi recommended honey). And we know the way to Reika’s heart is through her belly.


  12. Lord Buddha knows your lies.

    I want to see Enjou get jealous.

    *hugs Takagi*

    I wonder who’s spying on Reika-san for her Oniisama?

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! ! ! Take care of your health!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Just had this crazy thought…. what if Enjou’s the one supplying- I mean, playing spy for Onii-sama? Watching over her on Takateru’s behalf (but not really because he’d watch her anyway, any day). Came back from re-reading the only (?) onii-sama!enjou!meeting! we get “on-screen”** so please don’t scorn my blatantly (wishful, delulu) outrageous wonderings too much.

      This story is such a gem. So glad I got to know these characters. All thanks to the excellent translation ofc!

      **(The well-groomed groom welcoming his fluffy white, bunny bride to his white castle under the pretense of celebrating his wingman’s …no, cupid’s…. devil in disguise(?)? No, no, that’s not right either… charmingly cute, little brother’s birthday as she carries her dowry- I mean, gift. Right, gift. Which flaunts her skills in the kitchen (pfftihavenowords) while he exchanges (or mirrors lol they have many similarities after all) an unfathomable smile with the one ‘handing’ over the “goods”). I warned you. Wishful. Delulu. And to any of those who managed to read it through its rambling entirety/make much sense out of it, you’re amazing. I don’t understand myself on most days, you know.


  13. SQUEALS ON TOP OF HUMANELY LIMITS! ONIISAMA KAKKOI SUGI!!! He not only manages to work super hard, he’s FREAKING IN THE KNOW OF EVERY DETAIL OF REIKA’S RELATIONSHIPS! How cool is dat I ask u!!! That is a top notch sis-con right there!! Fight me if u dare think otherwise!!! So subtle yet overbearing omg can I just lie here to nosebleed please \(QΔQ」∠)_
    Thank you, Este for Oniisama dose! <3


  14. “If my family hadn’t fallen into destitution by the time I was 20, I was planning on trying every one of them [wines].”
    I have just heard something dangerous. (~ *-*)~
    Also, I am ever more convinced onii-sama is the one doing the corrupt things Reika was worried the tanuki might do. I mean, he’s trying to set Reika up with Enjou and Kaburagi, and that’s a clear sign of utter irredeemable evil.

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Onii Sama Pov

    My little sister has been keeping far too many secrets of late… if I weren’t so busy I might have discovered the cause much sooner, however thanks to reliable whispers, (Onii sama… your stalking has become skillful) I have found out the root cause of her distress, it would appear that the Kaburagi and Enjou eldest sons were the cause. Are they bullying her? or perhaps… vying for her attention? Although the Kaburagi house is formidable, I did not feel the same sense of dread coming off Reika that the Enjou lad gave her, why was it so different?

    While the Enjou family is indeed powerful, we would not be daunted at taking them on, in fact, I’m certain we could crush them, lets make sure to investigate thoroughly, while making a mental note for my hit list… ‘Reika, Onii sama will take care of everything’ Let’s spoil her today, I have yet to give her the promised White day dinner, forgive this Onii sama.

    Reika looked lovely, overflowing with excitement, her youthful glow at being with her Onii sama was adorable, I felt warmth in my heart that my little sister was so silly, I had feared she would become some domineering Ojou sama, if anything the opposite happened, gentle and kind, intelligent yet stupid, for that I was grateful, she had been spoiled ruthlessly by our parents, she still resisted becoming a rich brat, instead I watched this goofy brat grow into this lovely goofy young lady, no matter how well she acted the part, it was like a duck dressing as a swan, and I have never been more proud of my little sister because of it, and it made teasing her so much more satisfying. I decided to go for the throat, she looked so comfortable and pleased that I wanted to unsettle her a little.

    “By the way, Reika, how have you and Kaburagi Masaya-kun been recently?”

    Guhoh! Aah I struck gold, while her reaction was as expected, my earlier observation was correct, Kaburagi invokes annoyance, irritation, and a sense of scorn….was she looking down on him? is the famed Kaburagi first born an idiot or something?… hmmm…

    She looks as though she’s choking on that duck, I must refrain from asking while she’s eating, its much safer this way… forgive this Onii sama.

    “Are you okay, Reika?”

    “…Yes, Oniisama.” Dont lie to your Onii sama Reika…

    “Even if you say ‘recently’, nothing in particular has changed…” Is that so…

    “Really? But at the flower-viewing party the two of you were pretty close, right?” It seemed like they were having quite an amicable conversation, when I watched them I noticed how annoyed she was, but she was relatively relaxed, almost unconcerned, is it alright to be so casual towards Kaburagi? both Mothers were practically sealing a deal on the both of you becoming marriage partners, without question Mother would be ecstatic…

    “We do speak to each other, yes, but neither do we particularly like nor dislike each other,” Hmmm, an honest answer… but not completely… if you become so adept at lying next you might go down a darker path, this Onii sama will erase any fears that will keep you from that…

    “I see,” he said. “Then what about Shuusuke-kun from the Enjou family?”

    Guheh-! Ahh… now that response is completely different, there is a desire to avoid and hide, to reject and flee, this one scares her, this one she absolutely wants nothing to do with, eyes narrowed, I paint a bullseye on the one called Enjou Shuuske…

    “…Same as the above.”

    Give me a break you lying brat, do you think this Onii sama is blind? foolish little sister… stop deluding yourself! I will definitely protect you from this guy, have no fear, be at ease

    “He had a pretty girl with him that night. Do you know her?” Oh? such an indifferent reaction, hmm, despite the fact this Enjou boy was staring at Reika nonstop while beside such a beauty… little sister is this guy a player? is he a mini Imari? dark thoughts enter my mind…

    “I have heard that she is a relative of the Enjou family…” So possibly not a marriage candidate? then would that mean Enjou has free reign to chase after Reika? NOT ON MY WATCH! don’t think I haven’t noticed your eyes glued to Reika! she hates you it’s obvious!

    “Oh? A relative, huh?”

    I gave her a meaningful smile, by judging how possessive she was towards Enjou, it would seem she sees Reika as a rival… she had a beauty that easily outshines Reika, but that kind of appearance seems to mean nothing to Enjou, his eyes were only on Reika… dark thoughts entered my mind.

    Reika looked at me strangely, …did I let her see something I shouldn’t have?

    “Ah well, if anything happens, you let me know, alright?” You wont will you foolish sister! this is why I have to go around using other methods to find out!

    “Yes, Oniisama,” You better! and stop lying to your Onii sama! I can always tell!

    “I’ve been pretty worried recently. You’re hiding so many things from me now.” Yes just stop, the things I have to do to get information while working hard is difficult, just tell me dammit so I can deal with it!

    “Eh…!?” I smile at her confused expression, Ahh you are wearing out this Onii sama…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I actually find the idea of Shuusuke and Takateru conspiring together to be quite amusing. They’re both rather sly after all. And have many stories to share about Reika. Like they could both snicker at her antics and share their love of dumb kids.

      Plus, if you can’t capture Reika directly, then this sort of flanking action just might do the job. Enjou is gonna have to win over his future brother in law after all . . .

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Takateru’s reactions and line of questioning could imply one of two things:
        1. Takateru has joined the Shuusuke x Reika ship
        2. Takateru has targeted both Kaburagi and Enjou (especially Enjou) for even looking in Reika’s direction (sis-con route)

        But considering Takateru has already said “Anybody but Imari” in chapter 205, I would think it’s more along the first option. And in that case, Enjou Shuusuke already has Takateru’s full support and approval. =D

        Liked by 1 person

  16. “Unlike the masses who are influenced by Western culture, I have never celebrated such heathen events as Christmas or Valentine’s Day.”
    ….. *wisper*( hypocrat)


  17. lolol Reika’s brother… scary!! He was smiling!!! And he did “Hmmm” thing!! Shivers… How much of his time was really spent on the project and not spent on listening to new reports about Reika-chan?
    Many thankss

    Liked by 2 people

  18. I thought the chapter this time is long but it was the Comment section like always.. seeing all this fans with their speculations i highly doubt Reika-sama would have her wishes come true!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. “Unlike the masses who are influenced by Western culture, I have never celebrated such heathen events as Christmas or Valentine’s Day.” lol, Reika there’s a difference between choosing not to celebrate and not having the opportunity to celebrate.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Honestly, there is virtually no difference between Takateru and Enjou Shuusuke, other than the level of trust Reika holds for each of them. Takateru, she trusts unconditionally and is COMPLETELY oblivious to his haraguro side (love is blind kind of thing). Enjou Shuusuke, she doesn’t trust at all and is well aware of his haraguro side. There is literally NO middle ground! Reika, our dear baka, you need to gain a little more awareness…it’s already your last year of high school!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. [“I have heard that she is a relative of the Enjou family…”
    “Oh? A relative, huh?”
    Oniisama gave a meaningful smile.]

    Takateru probably already knew Yuiko was a fiancee candidate, so Reika withholding that information is suspicious in that light.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Thank you so much for translating 209 worth of chapters through out the year. Orz

    I am a new fan finding this by accident and binge read it the whole thing by one sitting. I throughly enjoy it, and since I read it from ch 1. I really admire the author for making such a great character development on Reika.

    She was such a coward when she was a child, with plebian’s mentality and through out the years she has become the ojousama she meant to be.

    And from scared to shit with Kaburagi she now know how to handle hok or dodge hik with ease. //she still doesnt know how to deal with Enjou but i hope she does soon

    Even minor characters like Katauragi, lying Tanuki, dog lover and glasses spy-chan are such a delight to read.

    My current favorite outside of our beloved Mc is Yukino-kun. I enjoyed his chapters so far :^ tho i cant see him as a romance candidate for Reika. But i believe in the author skill in writing. Whoever ends up with Reika I will accept without protest.

    Once again thank you for letting me read this gem in much delight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “She was such a coward when she was a child, with plebian’s mentality and through out the years she has become the ojousama she meant to be.”


      Liked by 1 person

  23. Thanks for the chapter.

    Man, I’ve been reading novels from your website for a long time.

    I remember you starting the whole, reincarnated as a villainess thing over here in the english side. Ironic that the one that started it all on this side, still isn’t finished *nudge nudge*

    Ah well, jokes aside I do miss it.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I am QUITE curious how much oni-sama knows, oh yes. That could be a pretty hilarious reveal.

    ‘I wasn’t the best drunk in my last life, but I was pretty sure it would be fine this time around!’ I mean, she has a different body, but knowing Reika, it’ll be even worse than it was before.

    ‘I am a pious and diligent buddhist.’ Lol, maybe instead of pretending to be one, she should just make offerings to them all in hopes that one of them will take :D

    Poor Takagi-kun brings out the Kali in Reika. RIP and RIP again. You know, I would laugh so hard if he ended up as the romantic partner xp

    Thanks for chapter.


  25. Reika-sama and Takateru-onii-sama has got to be my favorite sibling pairing. Another Onii-sama POV, please! Just to gauge how much he knows about her shenanigans, especially in romance nowadays. Maybe he has an inkling about her being friends with Wakaba-chan.

    Liked by 1 person

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