Reika-sama – 068

Everybody, please check the FAQ first before asking me questions.
If it’s not on there, please feel free and ask. I only get annoyed at questions when the same one has been asked 10+ times, and by then I’ll have updated the FAQ.

Thank you for your consideration, guys!

Also, I still have a report on Monday, and a final exam on Tuesday, so I’m still translating a bit slowly.

Evil God Army members, assemble:

The next day, I was afraid of going to school.
I was already nervous about people looking at me differently because I unveiled ‘Domineering Reika-sama’, but I also went and disparaged Kaburagi in the salon, so if that spread I’d be completely isolated.
And as for how angry Kaburagi was… Just imagining it was terrifying!
Looking left and right for any enemy attacks, I carefully entered the classroom.
He wasn’t here yet. But I can’t let down my guard.

“Good morning, Reika-sama.”

“Gokigen’you, Reika-sama.”

My friends all greeted me with a smile. What nice smiles. Is it because they got to vent their pent-up feelings?


I sat down at my seat. And then people gathered around me.”

“Uhuhu, yesterday was terribly refreshing, wasn’t it, Reika-sama.”

Serika-chan was wearing a cruel smile.
One of Tsuruhana-san’s group was sitting in the corner of the classroom, and when our eyes met by chance, she looked away frightened.
Uh oh. Did I threaten them too much?

“Say, everybody. Those girls seem to be reflecting already, so let us not continue this. I have already forgiven them.”

“Eh, but,”

“I do not think that Kaburagi-sama would look well upon us girls being so vicious to each other.”

Everyone looked like they realised some shocking revelation.
Well, it’s not really something I should be saying after picking a fight with him though.

“If you say so, then…”

After giving each other a look, everybody nodded. Thank goodness. Kaburagi is incredibly effective, isn’t he. On the other hand, I can only imagine how quickly they’ll abandon me if they know I became Kaburagi’s enemy.

“Kyah! It’s Emperor and Enjou-sama!”


Kaburagi, and for some reason Enjou as well, suddenly entered the classroom. Oh crap, are they here to announce my death sentence!? Are they here to take me to the guillotine!?
My heart pounded as I waited for the enemy’s move. Geh-! He’s coming this way!
The girls sitting around me displayed some unwanted consideration and parted left and right. Kaburagi was right in front of my eyes now.
M-, My stomach…
Suddenly, his fist smacked down on my head.



“We’re even now.”

As I was cradling my head and moaning, Kaburagi left those words before heading back to his seat.


“Aahh, sorry about that, Kisshouin-san. I kiiinda have something to talk to you about. Are you free?”

All of my followers started kicking up a fuss again. Ah, deja vu.
But it was impossible to refuse this time. I want a peaceful school life.
My friends seemed to be having another terrible misunderstanding, because I was seen off under their envious gazes. As I rubbed my head, I was once again taken to that staircase.
Scary… Is this guy my executioner!?

“Is your head okay? He really shouldn’t have hit you. But well, at least that’s his way of apologising.”


You apologise by punching people in the head?

“We had a good talk after you left, yesterday. We realised that we were being kind of irresponsible, and reflected on it. But Masaya’s just stubborn, so he couldn’t bring himself to apologise honestly. That’s why he said stuff about being even instead.”

What the heck. What a loser emperor.
But then, does that mean that Kaburagi isn’t angry anymore?
I’m not going to be enemies with all the Kaburagi fans?

“I explained to everyone in the salon. I told them that we did something to make you angry. Luckily there weren’t too many people. I made sure to forbid them from speaking, so there shouldn’t be any rumours.”

“Um, thank you very much.”

“Also, I’ve reflected on what I did as well. Sorry.”

Enjou gave me a bow.
Uwah, being apologised to makes it scarier and scarier!

“Ummmmm, so does that mean that we will forget about what happened yesterday?” I asked timidly.

“Of course,” he nodded.

Is he reallly being honest~? Is he acttuallyy still plotting something~? Sooo suspiciouss~

“Your expression says that you don’t trust me at all. Am I really so untrustworthy?”

Er, I can’t really say that to your face, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it. What a great skill this is.

“I really do feel bad though. As an apology for Masaya’s punch too, please give me a good hit.”

Ehh, is this his plan to get more blackmail material?
But well, I still want vengeance for my stomach and hair.
But I’ll pass, since it’s suspicious. And I’m an ojousama. Violence is just beyond me.

“If you don’t at least hit me, I won’t be able to feel at ease. Don’t worry, and just hit me. Although I’m not Masaya, this time we’ll really count it as even, okay?”

“You truly will not hold a grudge? For example, using this to threaten me later.”

“I won’t, I said.”

Hmmmm~ Then should I just do it?
Enjou leant his face forward a little to make it easier to punch.
I see. Well then.


A gouging hook to the solar plexus.
If I hit you on the face, everybody would see, right? It’s a basic skill to hit where they can’t see.

“Well then, I suppose we truly are even now. Right, Enjou-sama?”

Enjou quickly nodded again and again as he clutched his stomach.
I left Enjou behind and returned happily to my classroom.
I don’t really get it, but I somehow managed to escape the guillotine! Looks like the Rococo Queen escaped being turned into a dullahan!
Maybe I’ll reward myself later with some high calorie Annatorte~

 Annatorte, a signature cake of Café Demel, famous also for its Sachertorte. Layers of chocolate sponge and chocolate butter cream, with a strong chocolate taste and a hint of hazelnut.

Annatorte, a signature cake of Café Demel, famous also for its Sachertorte. Layers of chocolate sponge and chocolate butter cream, with a strong chocolate taste and a hint of hazelnut.



With all of the annoyances settled, I passed each day in great spirits.
At Sakura-chan’s demand, I went and investigated Akizawa-kun and that kouhai girl.
Hmmm~ I guess you could say that they’re close?
But in the end I wasn’t sure, so I decided to ask the man himself.
I quietly followed Akizawa-kun and waited for my chance. When there was nobody else around, I softly whispered out to him.

“Akizawa-kun, Akizawa-kun.”

“UWAH-! Kisshouin-san!? Why are you in the shadows like that?”

Is there really a need to be that surprised?

“There was a little something I wanted to ask you.”

“Eh-, what?”

“To be blunt, what kind of relationship do you have with Toriumi-san?”


Akizawa-kun gave me a startled expression. Oh my?

“Why are you asking something like that?”

“I was told to investigate.”

“…Sakurako, huh. Kisshouin-san, you seem to be quite close to her. Even though she’s so afraid of strangers.”

Afraid of strangers? That queen with the tongue of poison? Does Akizawa-kun not know her true self?

“I cannot reveal my client. Well? What kind?”

“Ehhhhh… I don’t really…”

“Just a normal senpai-kouhai relationship?”


“What a terribly vague attitude. She gave you a Valentine’s chocolate, did she not? Was it obligatory? It cannot be that it was a serious one?”

“…I guess she might have written something like that in the card?”

What the! So Sakura-chan really was on the mark!? I’m sorry for making light of you.

“Don’t tell anybody, okay?”

“Naturally. Well, what did you do?”

“I told her sorry and rejected her. And she said that she understood. That should have been the end, but the other day Neesan went and spoke about how I got a chocolate from a girl in front of Sakurako. Apparently Neesan just decided to enter my room.”


“And then Sakurako asked me why I kept it hidden.”

Uwahh, interrogation by Sakura-chan? How scaryy.

“It feels like Sakurako’s been angry the whole time since then. What do I do?”

“Hmmm. How about asking her out on a date?”

“Eh-, a date!?”

“Yes. Lately you have been doing nothing but training, so I think she has been lonely. I am sure she would be overjoyed to go on a date with you. As for where, let me see… How about paddle boating at Inokashira Park? It is quite a standard couple’s spot.”

 Inokashira Park in western Tokyo. A popular tourist attraction.
Inokashira Park in western Tokyo. A popular tourist attraction.

“But a date? We’re not really like that, but… Mn, I’ll try it. Thanks, Kisshouin-san.”

“Not at all.”

I saw him off with a smile.
But maan~ I did pretty good, huh!
I even received some info on Toriumi-san from one of Ririna’s underlings, but it looks like I won’t have to use it.
May fortune smile upon the clichéd osananajimi couple!

<Previous Chapter | Imouto | Next Chapter>

114 thoughts on “Reika-sama – 068”

    1. “Er, I can’t really say that to your face, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it. What a great skill this is.”
      I agree, 「ignorance is bliss」 they say…

      Anyway I suddenly feel so sorry for Akizawa-kun… Yep! as I thought, poor guy don’t even know… yandere wife huh?!… poor guy indeed *sigh~*

      Liked by 16 people

      1. A yandere wife can be good as long as u don’t cheat. Home cooked meal by a pro, laundry and all housework done, daily night cardio workouts, enemies suddenly dying in car accidents and stuff. So much good stuff, I would hope she doesn’t get jealous of the kids too. Might not be bad if she was like that movie “serial mom’.

        Liked by 10 people

        1. A yandere wife can also be someone who gets jealous of even other men, she might think that it would be better and safer to strap him to the bed and not let him go wherever, or not let him go out of the house, not let him watch tv or browse the internet or read the news, as he might see a good looking woman.
          So, if you ever wish to get a yandere wife, then make sure to put a scale and also say how much of a yandere she should be. xD

          Liked by 4 people

        2. “Enemies”
          So yeah, basically anybody she doesn’t like, who you might not want dead.
          Oh that female coworker of yours? Well, she went on a permanent vacation.
          Oh that close bro of yours? He was a bad influence on you anyway.

          Liked by 2 people

  1. Tch, what osanajimi couple. Reika’s getting white hair and ~fat~ cough heavier playing matchmaker for all these darned couples.
    Let me sink into my bitter singleness and shame at being unable to find anyone to ship with Reika please.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. Not very smooth, Katsuragi. What are you, a kid? …wait. 🤔

    Well, anyway, it’s good to see Reika’s worries decrease a bit. Although, it’s hard to say whether she’s broken her flag with Enjou, or just raised it higher… 😉

    Thanks for the chapter! 😃

    Liked by 11 people

      1. Me three… Reika-san might broke the forbidden seal.
        Poor Reika and her stomach, hope she won’t get sick or worst an ulcer…..
        Uhm… I didn’t raise a sick flag, did I?

        Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s a basic skill to hit where they can’t see. -Reika
    I cannot reveal my client. -Reika
    Best quotes on this chapter but wow that hit to the plexus lawl.

    Liked by 12 people

  4. Many thanks for the chapter. Good luck on your final! (If I say it everyday something will happen right?)
    For some reason I was reading Enjou’s lines with some masochistic undertones. Like, “…please give me a good hit…Don’t worry, and just hit me. (I really really want you to hit me)”. I wonder why?

    Liked by 5 people

  5. DAAAAAAYUUUUUUUUM dat reikachan punch too op, freaking hadoken-d enjou like a BAWS. *AIR HORN* 420 BLAZE IT~~~ thank you for the chapter! And OMG it’s getting close to the already translated high school chapters KYA~ choosing the best arc to be popping out chapters like this Deng it was this planned?!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. OH MY GOD just adding on to my own comment but I just realised reikachan and her ONIICHAN are so alike, both punching in the solar plexus AWWWWwWwwWW<33333333😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 like brother like sister.

      Liked by 11 people

  6. I feel so indecisive about who to ship, Enjou or onii-sama. Logically speaking then it should be Enjou but it’s the great onii-sama we’re taking about.


  7. I’m so confused~
    Solar plexus? Hit where it cant be seen? He clutched his stomach? Where did Reika REALLY hit? (I would hit the stomach, tbh, it would explain the GUH-! too)
    And Kaburagi… did he HIT her or like, dropped his fist onto her head, the cute way?
    Still, she’s gotten closer to the pair~ Enough to deserve some skinship(?)!

    Thanks for the chapter! :D

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I don’t get it. Is it possible to throw a hook at the solar plexus? If anything it should be an uppercut. You can deliver an uppercut to the solar plexus much more inconspicuously than the hook


  9. I can’t help but get a feeling that Enjou is going to get back at her for that, but I also get the feeling that Kaburagi might have secretly awakened to something too. Not sure if it’s to masochism, or a love for cutie ojou-samas who are not afraid to get feisty.


  10. I actually used to be in Kaburagi ship of tsun-tsun bad boy, but… Enjou-sama felt really cute this chapter… Is that just me?

    As for Reika-sama? She’s the boss ’nuff said.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Can I just say that that picture looks delicious! chocolate with spongy and creamy layers~! my mouth is watering right now. 😝🍰❤


    And~~~ that finish move, like sister like brother kyaaaa~~~~
    The osananajimi couple is actually the most stable, obvious ship atm lol.
    Anyway~~~~~ Enjou the do-M? Not a bad idea lol. A haraguro prince who is a do-S out side and a do-M inside, yep, not bad at all.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. thanks—!

    ooh woah! hmph! enjou paid for kaburagi hitting her, lol! but kaburagi’s action probably seems more…’friendly’, than anything, i suppose? hah, enjou doing damage control in the salon! nice!

    keke, i remember takateru hitting imari on the solar plexus…and here we have reika hitting enjou at the solar plexus…truly siblings, huh? keke!
    lol, seems it really hurt enjou, pfft! he’ll recover, no big deal—

    love advisor reika, is on the place! ooh, i love that she’s being direct, nice! i think rather than being afraid of strangers, she’s extremely particular about her friends, which is totally fine!

    osanajimi couples are great, hey—!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    What makes Kaburagi falls for the heroine in the original story? Was it that she stood up to him?
    And AWW, Enjou got a love punch from Reika. He must be overwhelmed to curl up on the floor like that.


  15. I wonder if that’s the first time Enjou has been punched in the gut by a girl.

    You need to be careful, Reika! Young boys of that age are so impressionable!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I’d like to imagine Reika crawling out of the shadows like the girl from the ring, but with rococo curls. LOL Kisshouin-san has more back bone than most give him credit for..

    Liked by 1 person

  17. thanks for the chapter,
    what novel is this??! everything working out smoothly in Reika’s favor is not what I’m used to


  18. This time around, Kaburagi seemed kind of… cute? In a childish way. Ah Reika, mistress of both verbal and physical abuse. Bet Enjou didn’t see that one coming.

    On a related note, hitting where it can’t be seen, deflecting questions – Reika seems to have the makings of a fine yakuza right there. I say she should join the criminal underworld and have Enjou be her clean-up man.

    Liked by 4 people

  19. ” to make it easier to punch.”

    I have a feeling that this is going to be the main topic in school, in the very near future. Poor Reika-sama.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Woww, even if i am shipping EnjouxReika, that punch was 10000 well deserved! Good job Reika! Straighten these guys a bit, They need to learn, and Enjou needs to realise there is consequences in using people.
    Also it was a good place to hit, never hit where they can see! He totally wasn’t expecting this kind of punch!
    Now Reika can relax, and feel refreshed!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Probably if she’ve hit him in the face, later he’d have more blackmail material on her, so NICE avoidance of flags, Reika!!! She’s been so stressed out lately and so submissive towards EnjouxKaburagi duo so at least this much refreshment is a given! Bet Enjou didn’t expect her being so ruthless despite being a frail ojousama, he’s clearly more overwhelmed rather than in pain! That rococo queen dullahan ref made me lol so hard! Thanks for the chapter, Este-sama!

    Liked by 2 people


    Not only that only that other girl, she defeated Kaburagi and Enjou!.

    “I can only imagine how quickly they’ll abandon me if they know I became Kaburagi’s enemy.”

    Geez, this girl is way too insecure. I’m sure most of these girls are her friends but they are Kaburagi fans. Plus at this point, she’s as big an existence as Kaburagi in the school.If they became enemies then it would probably just the split the school into Reika and Kaburagi camps.

    Actually, it just occurred to me. One of the reasons boys don’t approach Reika is probably because they think that Kaburagi would be angry,,,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. don’t think that’s what it is, something more along the lines of her being in a much higher social position than them. same as if you saw Beyonce you wouldn’t approach and ask for a selfie you would get on your knees and bow to the Queen(JK). Basically, they’re just afraid of humiliation,

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Amazing! I’m hook to this story :) it’s really enjoyable! Looking forward to the next update and thank you so much for translating this! :)


  24. Woooooot! Nice punch right in the solar plexus!! Kyaaa~Reika-sama is so awesome. I bet Enjou didn’t see that coming. Maybe he thought Reika would smack him in the face. Lol. Anyway Can’t wait for more of Reika-sama!! I’m just so glad that I can have my every dosage of Reika-sama😭😭😭thanks for translating this😁

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Waiting for the continuation of this is killing me. My second favorites series after Evil God Average. Here’s hoping this doesn’t end like Otome Villainess.


  26. There was so much epicness in the chapter my head almost exploded when I read it!!!

    Fave parts:

    “Your expression says that you don’t trust me at all. Am I really so untrustworthy?”

    Er, I can’t really say that to your face, so I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear it. What a great skill this is. <—— as expected of Reika-san

    But I’ll pass, since it’s suspicious. And I’m an ojousama. Violence is just beyond me. (VIOLENCE IS JUST BEYOND ME)!!!!!!!

    Enjou leant his face forward a little to make it easier to punch.
    I see. Well then.


    A gouging hook to the solar plexus. (A GOUGING HOOK TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS)!!!!!!

    If I hit you on the face, everybody would see, right? It’s a basic skill to hit where they can’t see. (!!!!!!!) (gangster)

    “Well then, I suppose we truly are even now. Right, Enjou-sama?” (mental tone of ~~~~~~~~~)

    Enjou quickly nodded again and again as he clutched his stomach.
    I left Enjou behind and returned happily to my classroom. (HAPPILY)!!!!!


    “UWAH-! Kisshouin-san!? Why are you in the shadows like that?”

    Is there really a need to be that surprised?

    ^^^^^ I really enjoyed this part, but I want Enjou to develop a trauma of Reika-san…. that would make me so happy… XD

    “I cannot reveal my client. Well? What kind?” <—- I just love Reika-san soooooo much….

    Thanks so much ani-ue, enjoy your sleep!!!


  27. I love how the last straw was her having white hair. I have tons of white hair (it’s a genetic thing) so I’ve never thought too much about it :P

    Liked by 1 person

  28. “You apologise by punching people in the head?”

    Yes. Yes I do.

    The point of an apology is to get people to forget their grievances with you, right? After a few good his to the head, they won’t remember why they were angry. Logical.

    Of course, now they will have a new reason to be angry with you… 🙄

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Whoa… I missed this on the first read. She wields Kaburagi as a reason to stop harassment, and the girls around her have a revelation, and THEN say “if YOU say so…” With an emphasis on the you. I think this is the point where the girls decide she absolutely loves kaburagi because they would have stopped on her say so, but notices she is considering kaburagi’s opinions.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Btw, does anyone else feel that maybe the emperor was NOT apologizing, but was really upset at her but convinced to hold back for his friend’s sake (who likes her) and really meant the punch as a “now we’re even?”

    Liked by 2 people

  31. I BELIEVE IN NON-VIOLENCE -proceeds to flatten Enjou with a devastating haymaker to the solar plexus- …clearly this girl has learned the art of the “paciFIST” from the Seyruun family (“The Slayers”).

    Liked by 1 person

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