116 thoughts on “Finally, a man who understands politics!”

    1. Reminds me of pacific rim… We believe the wall is a viable option… It only lasted 2 hours before it broke. What we really need are giant mechas patrolling the border.

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  1. no, no—-!
    -sneaks in- -secretly makes a call- yes, yes, i’ll get the money from somewhere. just get me the mercenaries to stop this man! he must be stopped! i trust you know what to do…-nods seriously and ends the phone call-
    -sinister laughter-

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      1. what, cute!
        drastic times call for drastic measures…but the mercenaries are the last resort! and i will be guilt-free, even if i have to use the mercenaries!

        but first, i hope that the Americans will be smart enough and know to vote for the obvious best choice! which is so— not trump!

        Liked by 4 people

          1. no—! he’s the worst choice, the worst–!
            if…if it has come to this…!
            -makes phone call secretly again- be on standby. standby, did you hear me?! the situation has escalated much faster than expected! be on immediate standby! ah—!

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              1. i realise that was a reference to the video, though i didn’t really get it…
                but this is so horrifying—! ah—! i need more backup plans, all the backup plans—-! -makes numerous phone calls secretly-

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    1. Well I am making sure to have no regrets if he actually gets in due to the fact that he would probably start WW3 and there are more murdering, raping AMERICANS! than Mexicans so it would be better to use the money on something more worthwhile than a wall that even the single celled brain of his could figure a way over.

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        1. But I don’t support him, and the wall is really useless plus the wall will cost a great deal more than estimated by several tens of times on top of that you also need to deal with the maintenance of a wall bordering Mexico. Thats not all as if Mexicans are really only going to America to rape someone to extent of walking from Mexico to America in the harsh conditions a wall isn’t going to stop them.

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              1. Chillax, it’s Aussie humor. Which in other countries would be called “Inciting a riot” or “picking a fight” or “kicking the Yakuza in the nuts”. :)

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    2. How do you sully a word that means ‘many bloodsucking parasites’? :-D

      (Yes I know it originally came from Greek. ’tis a joke :-P)

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  2. I don’t understand what is this means. What is the connection between “nation border/wall” and “politic”?


    1. -coughs- while i’m not american, i’m on tumblr, and i know stuff!…even if i didn’t want to.
      so, donald trump, he’s been saying that he’ll build a wall st the border of USA and Mexico to make it so mexicans can’t illegally crossover to USA and ‘make problems’. he’s blaming groups of people for the problems in the USA.
      and let me tell you, don’t believe a word he says! it’s not groups of people who are the problem, it’s an internal, societal and system problem that the USA is facing. there are good and bad people regardless of whatever race or religion.

      Liked by 4 people

        1. such nonsense you speak!
          the USA’s problems have little to do with the mexicans!
          i know you know! don’t delude yourself!


        1. it will never be an external problem!
          the problem lies within the US itself, and it is on Americans, regardless of race or religion, to fight for justice and change!


            1. lol! i haven’t used it in more than a year, a year—! i think i just don’t use skype anymore…sorry about that!


  3. What is scary is that he could really be elected (Bush, then Trump.. what’s more ?)
    But Hillary is not a great alternative choice.. This election look like a race between a gimp and a crook.

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    1. which one is a gimp and which one is the crook? And does being a gimp/crook preclude the possibility of their ALSO being a crook/gimp?!? I need clarification!!!!


      1. Like in a lot of bad stories (or some quite rare good ones), it’s up to you to think how the story end (like in those manga/novels/animes/movies/etc.. where the author is too lazy to make a real ending (or forced by an editor eager to see his work axed) and let the readers/viewers choose their one.

        As someone who get sometimes paid to write stuff I always think that it’s natural to do a work from the start to the end : as an author if you write a begining, then you have to write an ending (the reader pay to read your stories not to be forced to imagine stuff in your stead, for that they can write fan fictions whithout having to pay a dime), if you don’t it’s just half assed work…

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    1. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. And some, I assume, are good people. But we just don’t know.

      In order to make America great again, and in order to win again, we need the wall, I am sorry to tell you.

      The construction of the wall is inextricably linked to the defence of America from all enemies of peace, justice and winning.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. I can’t agree with you, right now if there is a problem in America to tackle I would say it is the mass shooting’s being pro-formed by American citizens especially at the schools. It would be more beneficial to use the money there and it would stop a lot more deaths and kids who just might grow up and be able to produce nearly every teens dream, Intergalactic Warfare and colonization of planets!

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            1. ……╚⊙ ⊙╝

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      1. I agree with you as well. I’m from the Dominican Republic and we have a 15 foot wall going along the border with Haiti as well. But some still manage to come through because, well, laiziness on the part of border patrol..

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        1. Honestly, IDK how the US border hasn’t had that wall built already given the huge budget it has compared to other countries. Once land isn’t viable for illegal migration it comes down to air or water which are much easier to regulate. I’d make a 20-30 foot wall and be done with it…

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    1. We’re gonna win, and we’re gonna win everywhere. We’re gonna knock the hell out of ISIS, we’re gonna win with trade, we’re gonna win with trade, we’re gonna win with health. We’re gonna win on so many levels. We’re gonna win win win. We’re gonna get so tired of winning, we’re gonna say ‘Mr. President please, we don’t wanna win anymore it’s too much!’ and he’s gonna say ‘I’m sorry, we’re gonna keep winning because we’re gonna make America great again!’.

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  4. Now I may be 14, but I know were fucked either way. It’s come down to the two evil, so pick the lesser. Which one that is, I don’t know, as I don’t pay attention to politics and such. I want trump to win just to see what happens. If he builds that wall and it somehow fucks us or saves us, I want to see it happen. I don’t know what Hillary Said so she could win the election, but what she does is probably going to be just as bad. Either way, this certainly won’t bore me.

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    1. Thank you very much for writing this! It actually helped me to understand how people who are NOT racists could support Trump. It’s in the spirit of “We fucked anyway, so we might as well REALLY fuck it up for the pretty destruction.”

      I’m serious, my brain was having a meltdown trying to comprehend the Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… but now, I think I get it?

      Break out the fiddles and gasoline!!! Rome’s burning tonight…


        1. What ?! O_o ?!

          It wasn’t some kind of weird dead animal pelt that he had on his head ?
          If it’s the case it might make him lose the furry vote… ;o)


      1. Yeah, I don’t think that’s the reasoning for most of his supporters. Or at least the closets people get to that is voting for him because he’s objectively funny.

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  5. I’m glad to know you’re a fellow Trump supporter. Now that he’s all but guaranteed to become the Republican nominee, we’re one step closer to making America great again.

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    wonderful how many are baited <3 well done


  7. I wish Australia could have a Trump too.

    Can you Americans just make him your King so we can secede from the UK and just become your lackeys? That would be great.

    All hail the Oompa Loompa- uh, I mean Trump!

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        1. *Face-palm*
          Its about recognising parody when it is right in front of you. How likely would an Australian be a genuine Trump follower? Nothing rules it out, but the likelihood is extremely small. You don’t have to know much about politics. You just have to use that thing between your ears a bit. Also, Este translates japanese light/web novels for fun. Is someone who is a) bilingual and b) appreciative of the literary products of foreign cultures likely to support a xenophobic anti-intellectual like Trump?

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Sorry, really don’t know anything about Trump, though I appreciate your help, now I have a better idea. If you are wondering why I know so little about this, it is because I’m a high schooler from South America, really southern America


            1. Forgiven. Sorry for being rude in my comment. Sometimes I forget that I am talking to people much younger than I am. In the place where I normally blog, I’m the youngest or among the youngest commenters. Here, I’m probably much older than everyone else.


              1. No offense taken, I’m commonly mistaken as someone older and face pretty harsh repprimands about thing someone my age would do, at least when I was younger, so yours was a way more delicate way of telling me I was wrong


  8. from my little understanding:
    natives americans aka born raised from the land get to stay,
    illegals aka invaders, drugs dealer, maniacal killers/murderes get outside?
    wow it’s gonna leave tons of space

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  9. I was going to say, “Careful, someone might think you’re serious.” Unfortunately I made the mistake of reading the comments first, and thus know it has already happened.

    The Internet, ladies and gentlemen.

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      1. Quand on voit les scores du FN aux élections, on peut se dire qu’on a pas grand chose à envier aux américains côté votes stupides…

        To summarize what I said in french, we got a lot of stupid people that can vote in France too :o/ …

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  10. Now then if we think of this as protecting ourselves from the Titan,which side is inside the wall?(being protected) Mexico protected from US? US protected from Mexico? Which side is the titans at?


  11. Welcome back Fluffy-sama. I was not expecting such… a blunt come back. As a citizen of America, I feel that the end has come. Which country do you suggest for a family relocation? I’ve been looking, but I see no way out….

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  12. Fluffy, the Mexicans are on to him…..*cough…*
    can’t last…too…long now, get word to President Trump…
    tell him, the Mexicans are building….
    the Mexapult…

    Viva les Murica!!!

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  13. Why was it that it only said bad people cross the border? ???the bad people are the one who pass legally with bribes!!!! Everyone in mexico knows that!!! Only letting a few good Mexicans pass and those good Mexican are the rich ones…poor Mexican with no money have little opportunity to pass legally to USA …that why they cross the border and risk their life!!!! In my opinion trump should not be president and the only reason he gets along well with Mexicans is because the people he gets along are the shifty rich people who are only making Mexico more violent and unsafe. Get fucking informed !!!!If he gets elected then many people will be sent back to Mexico to die ! Cause when we came to USA we left everything behind for the hope of a better life for us and our children!!! As a imigrant I am telling you if he becomes president We are fucking doom!!!!

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  14. Mwahahaha! Foolish Americans! Who said we don’t know how to *dig* beneath a wall? I tell ye, do you know how hard it was to detect North Korea’s tunnels? And how large the border is compared to Korea? Futile, futile, futile…

    Liked by 1 person

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