Book of God – 05

Yami, Bazooka, thanks for all the help in AK! You guys are the best!

Chapter 5 – The Meeting Unfolds

“『Authorities』 are things that we Administrators govern… there are 『Authorities』 for all things, phenomena and concepts. And to us, the 『Authorities』 are our 『power』, 『responsibility』 and 『duty』.”

“Each Administrator has a main 『Authority』 with a bunch of 『Sub-Authorities』, as well as 『Free-Authorities』 that don’t belong to any, so that makes up all three types.”

The gods of Light and Dark explained to me about the 『Authorities』 that were their main reason for visiting me. I wanted to take down notes, but it wasn’t the right atmosphere for that, so I decided to try my best to memorise it.

“An Administrator’s main 『Authority』 can’t be changed ’cause of their attribute. I’m 『Dark』, that overly serious woman over there is 『Light』, and as for you… Seriously? 『Fear』? That’s a pretty nasty one you’ve chosen, ey?”

I didn’t choose it. I didn’t choose it I say.
I can assent to their 『Main Authorities』 being 『Light』 and 『Dark』, but I can’t accept that mine is 『Fear』.

“In exchange for very few being able to choose a emotion-type 『Authority』, they can gain faith through that emotion, you see. It seems that you are only absorbing the fear directed at yourself, though.”

It felt like something from people my followers was flowing into me, but that was the reason? Just exactly how feared am I?
…Mn? There was something concerning in her words just now though.

“Can I absorb fear directed at things besides me too?”

“Obviously. 『Authorities』 are the right to manage the world, yanno. As long as you use their function properly, no matter who it’s directed at, you’ll be able to use it as faith. But well, emotions directed at yourself don’t need any conscious work on your half, so I guess it’s that much more efficient, ey?”

I didn’t know. I didn’t know. I decided not to use my power as an Administrator because I had no idea what might’ve happened, but is that why? As long as it’s linked to ‘gathering faith'[filling my stomach] this is pretty important, so I’ll have a look at it later.

“Anyway, the remaining ones are 『Sub-Authorities』 and 『Free-Authorities』, but they’re decided among fellow Administrators. Mains and subs become the Administrator’s specialty, yanno?”

“A specialised 『Authority』 cannot be used by other Administrators. On the other hand, free 『Authorities』 can be used by all Administrators.”

“Then couldn’t you just leave them all free?”

“If that was all it’d be aight, but you can’t gather faith from free 『Authorities』. And if you can’t distinguish whose responsibility is whose, the response to problems gets slow, and it’s riddled with risk.”

I see. That’s why they’re 『power』, 『responsibility』 and 『duty』, huh?
So in exchange for gaining 『power』, you gain as much responsibility in exchange.

“Having said that, if all 『Authorities』 are specialised, then there would be none remaining for other Administrators to use. As a result, those that have a high degree of risk are used as 『Sub-Authorities』, while the rest are left as free.”

“Anyway, here comes the main topic; up ’til now, all the 『Sub-Authorities』 have been split between me and her, but suddenly this new Administrator pops up. So we need to choose how to divide the 『Sub-Authorities』 again.”

I understand why they came as a pair now. It was to hold an important meeting about how the world would be from now on.


With the general explanation finished, after brewing some more tea, the meeting resumed. Also, since I would feel bad about calling Tena to such a dangerous place, I steeped the tea myself. The two were making doubtful expressions, but I wouldn’t accept any complaints.

“Well then, guess we’ll quickly get to it. First of all, I’m taking 『Demon Race』. No discussions.”

“I too will not concede 『Human Race』.”

T-, The way this is going is… The so-called ‘taking-all-the-good parts-to-yourself-and-leaving-the-newcomer-with-the-remains-newcomer-bullying-scene’!?

Are they going to say stuff like
“『Goblins』 or 『Vulgarness』 would fit ‘a person of low birth'[an embarrassment to the divines] like you.” or “You ain’t thinking that an accident like you could be on equal terms with us, right?” to me?
They carefully explained various things to me so I let my guard down, but thinking about it, there’s no way that a human that messed up their territory by becoming a divine──although I didn’t wish for it──would be accepted by them.

But I can’t just take things sitting down either.
If I lose this power struggle, then it’ll also mean that this country will be looked down on by its neighbours. It’ll threaten the peaceful lives of Tena and the others too. I don’t want to recklessly abuse my influence, but I need a minimum amount of power as a foothold.

I need to be stubborn here.

“I won’t accept──”

“Leaving the rest to you.”

“I shall leave the rest up to you.”








“I do think that it is a difficult task, but I have faith in you.”

“Well, just see this as training.”




T-, These guys… They’re planning on pushing all the work onto me?
Right. Even if I take Leonora’s story with a grain of salt, they were a pair that didn’t care about the details as long as they were loved by their respective races. At the time, the conversation was about the Light God, but from what I can see it applies to the Dark God as well.
The Dark God called her overly serious, but just what part of this is overly serious?
Up until now, they’d be reluctantly working in order to protect their races, but now that there was somebody they could push all the work onto, they were planning to only take responsibility for the things they cared about, and were plotting to push everything else onto me.

This isn’t a joke.
I want the bare minimum power to prevent myself from being invaded, but I don’t want everything pushed onto me. What I want is to relax in peace; there’s no point if my schedule is so busy I’ll die.

I need to be stubborn here.

“I won’t accept this.”



I’m being glared at. As I thought, the Light God is scarier. But I can’t give up here.

“If you’re pushing all the other 『Authorities』 onto me, then I can also destroy the humans or the demons with 『Epidemic』. Are you fine with that?”



The moment I said that, the two gods stood straight up. I was being glared at just like before, but the pressure now was on another level.

“You have sure some guts, eh.”

The Dark God was gathering mana in his hands, but the Light God waved him to stop, and spoke to me.

“Did you say, that you would destroy the Human Race?”

“The fact that I’ll be able to is the problem. If one god has all the 『Authorities』, they’ll be unstoppable.”

“I see. So you wanted to say that there is a need for the three of us to be in balance. You have a point. However──”

The Light God stopped her sentence midway, before pulling out a massive sword as tall as she was, and slamming it into the table. A thunderous boom rang out through the room, and the round table was split in half.

“──the next time you speak nonsense like that again, I will destroy you.”

Scary… Yes, I will definitely keep that in mind.
I raised my arms face-height in surrender, before stating my defence.

“It was just an example; I have no intention of doing it.”

“I sincerely hope not.”

It seems that I somehow got her to sheathe her sword.
Of course, I never had any intentions of destroying the humans or the demons to begin with, and it was because there was that risk that I wanted to give an example of why we needed balance, but from now on I’m going to be careful not to say anything stupid about messing with the humans in front of her.

I can sort of understand now why the Dark God calls her “overly serious”. But if she’s going to be serious, then I would’ve preferred her putting that into a different outlet.


After repairing the bisected table──the one who broke it was the Light God, so why was I…?──we resumed the meeting.
However, the discussion dragged on and we didn’t make progress. Although I prevented everything being pushed onto me, both the Light God and Dark God were trying their best to push things onto somebody else. In the end, it became something like “Even if one of us does something destructive, the other two can just cooperate and stop them.” and we just kept pushing things onto each other.
If I relaxed I would’ve just gotten things pushed onto me instead, so I also objected, but because of that, we eventually fell into a completely unproductive cycle of pushing things onto each other.
The old and new, male god and goddess, positive attributes and negative attributes; a frenzied 2 vs 1 battle that continually changed positions continued on, and along the way we lost track of who was objecting to what anymore.
Because we didn’t need to eat or sleep, it just meant that the argument continued endlessly.

“Hahh… Hahh…”

“Huu… We are not making progress, are we?”

“Seriously, you two are freaking stubborn.”

Even though we didn’t even need to breathe, we glared at each other breathless.
I wanted to tell him that he was just as stubborn as we were, but as the Light God said, we weren’t making any progress.

“Alright. I’ve got an idea that’ll definitely decide things.”

“Hmm, please do say.”

“Or rather, if you had something like that then say it to begin with.”

Dark God. Shut up.
I only just thought of it, so it couldn’t be helped.

“We’ll have a match, and the winner gets to decide on how to divide things. However, with the balance between the three of us kept in mind.”

“Ohh? Ain’t that interesting.”

“I see. Even if we continue the conversation, there does not seem to be an end in sight, so I think that idea is fine too. However, just what kind of match will it be?”

Naturally, I have no plans on simply battling it out. It won’t be a game or anything either. It’s clear that I’d completely lose in both.




“The match will be… a dungeon.”

Precepts for having an efficient meeting; as learned by Anri-san.

1. Decide on the length of the meeting beforehand
“An endless meeting is dangerous.”

2. Make sure to have somebody in charge of the direction of the meeting.
“Without one, everything gets out of control.”

3. Make sure to take minutes
“If everything is recorded, you’ll be self-conscious and pay more attention to what you say… probably.”

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80 thoughts on “Book of God – 05”

      1. ROFL! I just remembered! Sophia’s champions/players are the hero(lol) team! And remember what happened on the 10th floor? And remember what happened to Lenora past that? :)

        Those poor bastards are going to be stuck there for the next few decades! lol.

        Liked by 10 people

    1. The 2 Gods would probably be sending champions into Anri’s dungeon,
      but will Anri just be on the defensive or are the other 2 supposed to make dungeons of their own for Anri’s champions to conquer? I wanna see human-demon tag team of Tena and Leonora conquer whatever pathetic dungeon the other 2 Gods would make!:D
      oh and thanks for the chapter^^

      Liked by 1 person

  1. If I were Anri, I would stake on my claim on the dead and live the living humans and demons to the other 2, then use it build the most powerful undead army and conquer the world like Mr Bones from Overlord.


    1. Considering how the hero party and demon princess found Anri’s “just for the ambience” puzzles mind bogglingly difficult (or impossible for a certain group)

      Yeah. I think Anri might win this.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. These guys are hiki-NEETs coattail riders, they want other people to do their jobs for them & reap the rewards.


  2. So, how shall this contest be handled?
    What will be the party line given to mortals?
    Demons and humans must send their champions into the holy land of the evil god for some relic or whatnot to stop her from doing whatever?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those two… now that we’ve met them, I no longer feel like Anri is unsuited to being a god. She fits with these two perfectly; none of them want any extra work!

    Also, it has been far too long since the last time Anri has provided us yuri fuel. I am waiting.

    My thanks to you, O esteemed holy sheeprabbit.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Anri-sama, you are much too clever for your own good. After you win, you still have to decide who gets which parts of the work!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So who is feeding the creator god? well creator gods tend to be all powerful in that they can create their own power. As long as the world exists, then just by existing those types of gods are fed. By existing, your existence itself is the worshiping fuel that fills the creator god’s stomach.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. exactly, if she nearly wiped out both races, she could have become the sole administrator and equal in power to the creator god by being the Evil Usurper god of fear, destruction, and domination. Gain all other authorities, use them to weaken the other gods, kill and steal the authorities of the other gods to become god of darkness and light, now possible to destroy the world and kill the creator god. Generally, killing the creator god would allow one to become them yourself in most types of stories. It is probably the true motivation behind all gods of destruction.


  6. I was right, I knew they would try to push the work onto her.
    Though if I were such a god with all that potential power then I would now have the imagination and insight to able to use some type of natural disaster or epidemic to nearly wipe out both races to make them fear me and weaken the two other gods, then devour them and become the sole god besides the creator god.
    She could have easily have become the Evil God of Destruction, Domination, and the World Eating devourer of Gods. Basically equal to the creator God itself. If that happened, pretty sure gods from other worlds might try to stop such a being before that god started invading other worlds. There is potential to become the sole god throughout the multiverse if such a plan were set in motion or if anyone ever had such ideas. It is a good thing she isn’t Rou from Re:monster, because I am pretty sure that if he were in the same position as Anri, he would enact such a plan if he were transported to another world with the same conditions and settings as her but with his personality and original self.


      1. the creator is still there. the majority of the power is being used to support the world itself. There is Anbaal and Sophia, but the rest of the remains is supporting the planet. 3 parts. I just re-read it not too long ago.


          1. true, it didn’t say that it had a consciousness or sense of self anymore. Whatever remains of the original god are the two gods and the power that keeps the system running. Some mythologies state that the act of creation split the creator god into many pieces and the whatever else remained is the universe itself.

            Liked by 1 person

              1. i know. i was noting something that happened many chapters ago. I believe chapter 17 of the first book. I re-read it because it was such a good read and I had forgotten some stuff by the time the second book started being translated so I re-read it a few times.


      2. It makes me wonder who is the sniggering person who tossed Anri out naked into the world then. The implications are that he is over the Light and Dark Gods and he creates Gods for fun.

        And I’m still waiting for TOS. Playing with the skill builder is fun!


  7. Wait a second, if Anri’s source of faith power is [Fear Directed Towards Her] then doesn’t it mean that her cultists aren’t the source of her power but all the people like that Prince and his army and stuff that witnessed her grand appearance?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for the chapter. So hyped for the dungeons lol.

    Uh, for the second half of “Having said that, if all 『Authorities』 are specialised, then there would be remaining for other Administrators to use”, is that supposed to be “then there would be little remaining for the other Administrators to use”?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. buahaha I can’t wait when they tried the most hardest game in anri dungeon, that not exist elsewhere in other dungeon ‘puzzles’


    1. Anri-sama, I realize you probably want to make them do all of the work. But you really ought to hang on to the “Puzzle” authority for your own sake.


  10. Anri pls.

    Step 1. Take the “Power” Authority and “Sword” Authority. You now have control over the Goddess sword.

    Step 2. Get the “Defend” and “Protect” Authorities. The other two can’t hurt you.

    Step 3. Use the “Betrayal” Authority to get Humans and Demons

    Step 4. Use the “Starvation” and “Death” Authorities to accelerate the dying process of the Dark god by having everything be Light

    Step 5. Dark God dies.

    Step 6. Take Dark authority and make everyone Dark

    Step 7. Repeat step 4 to kill Light Goddess

    Step 8. Let people be whatever the hell they want

    Step 9. Pick a waifu and/or husbando

    Step 10. Happy waifu happy laifu and you’re immortal and can just refuse to use Death authority to affect your waifu or husbando


  11. Once Anri wins this & gains control of the distribution of “Authorities”, she’s gonna get back at Anbaal by labeling him “God of Peepers” & “Enemy of Women” right?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe that since WordPress will normally only skip one line, the white-on-white text is used to make longer breaks.


  12. I am the only one that thought she should create a new race? Like Demi-humans? Or are demi-humans already part of the Demon race?


  13. So uh…is Divinity not an authority? Because Anri could totally push her responsibilities on uplifted subordinates.


  14. Lol how stupid are these gods to just give her every authority because they have daddy issues and want daddy to praise them for taking care of the job he gave them? That is akin to giving her power over every domain except human and demon race, she’ll just get more stronger lol


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