I’m the Final Boss!?

I’m the Final Boss!?

By: The First Freeloader (Pira)

I never believed that the stories I always read could ever come true.
After all, how could that be the case?
We don’t live in a world of swords and magic, so who would actually think it was possible to get summoned to a new world?

Regardless of how I feel though, I now find myself in a situation eerily similar to those same stories.
It may all just be a dream, but it’s so very lifelike.

Either way, why am I a baby in the middle of nowhere!?

You can also check out my site and get early access before I post it here: Pira’s Corner

49 thoughts on “I’m the Final Boss!?”

    1. Yeah. I have it up there. I’ve known Este for longer though.
      I don’t really know the plan at the moment. I may leave it up on RRL, or I might not.


    1. Mhm, it’s hosted there, here, and on my own blog.
      I don’t have any delays on the sites though, so feel free to read it where ever you like.


            1. Oh, no. Definitely not. I’m definitely trying to go for a more lighthearted feel. So, action, adventure, friendship, comedy. Stuff like that.


        1. The rest is in the process of being written. Unfortunately, I’ve been terrible at updating the story, but I’m starting to come back and update the rewrite version (which is the preferred version). I’m sorry.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Former-Former-Slave Slave #1, The 6th Holier Catrabbit, Mew Berry aka Ame von Ame says:

        And now this comment is forever out of context XD


        1. It’s not really out of context if you’re using the links at the bottom of each chapter though. I mean I just read the April 1st post today after all.


    1. I will never drop this series without actually telling anyone. Unfortunately, I just get busy from time to time, and am unable to write a chapter for a while.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Now that I’m home for a week, I’ll attempt to get a new chapter out. I may be able to get one out tomorrow (or today considering the time). Again, sorry for the delay.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. It went to Chapter 13 before I decided to rewrite it. Unfortunately, college is taking up too much of my time, and I haven’t had a chance to update the story.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. We are waiting for you we love your story but just a little thing when you realease your new chapter make it long please


  2. So wait, should I read the original or the rewrite? Or should I read the original first and then the rewrite?


    1. It’s more that the rewrite was supposed to replace the original. I left the original up until the rewrite had caught up to it, but unfortunately no progress has been made recently.


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