Carole and Tuesday – 01

We are now a sub group(not really)! So apparently this is a thing that exists now.

Thanks to anon for the pre-timed file. I just redid the translations.

If you need raws: 720p 1080p

As with basically everything I do, don’t hold your breath for more, but this episode was nice so I felt it deserved a good release.
Also I’m aware that there is an actual group that’s doing this show, but since there was a kind of badly translated sub file out there before them, having a better option might help give people who were gonna watch it anyways a better experience. Plus the anon who made it kept it in a state that was really easily usable for re-tl.

3 thoughts on “Carole and Tuesday – 01”

  1. PAS is “Recruiting competent translators to save more anime. Contact KoolKidsK on IRC or KoolKidsK#8146 on discord if interested.”

    They have a handful of members. Perhaps a joint on this series so both teams can sub more netflix and other things?


    1. Not really interested in subbing for the sake of subbing, so unlikely unless they end up needing help with this show somewhere down the line or some other show that’s getting Netflix’d catches my attention. They do seem pretty decently on top of things, as far as subbing in the era of dead fansubs goes :)


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