42 thoughts on “Good chance that I’m going more or less MIA for all of May!”

      1. And helluva a lot of caffeine from the way that calendar going too, depend on how studious you are in the classes.
        Kilimanjaro ahoy !


  1. thanks for the update!
    no deta—-ils?! oh well! here! -gives ice-cream cakes- all the best with whatever’s making you MIA!


    1. “His file reads “Missing in Action”.”

      “Yeah, we sort of misplaced it after the last round of renovations. We’ll find it sooner or later. Until then, sorry he ain’t getting paid.”



  2. I always thought you were alot older than me lol but I already learned the stuff your learning an year ago or it might just be hong kong’s fast paced education


      1. Dam I still got 7 months left till I graduate from highschool, I study computers and art(mostly design) still not sure what course I wanna take


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