Cleanup – Chapter 15

Experiments and Preparations – Q of Hearts (Part 1)

Note: Please don’t read it in the little pop-up for the reader. For some reason it doesn’t reflect my later edits (which I often make a lot of after publishing), so please click ‘view original’.

1106515577One Day I Became a Burikko Villainess Noble Girl, out now.
Honto tutorial here.

Think of it as throwing money at the author and Alphapolis, and getting a book with squiggles and pretty pictures as a pleasant extra.


The sound of a little sneeze rang out through the empty room.
Now that the winter is approaching, the inside of the castle is getting colder and colder. I can see my breath.
Like every year, it’s the season where everybody uses flame magic.

The days went by as I stayed at the castle and did my job.
There were plenty of things I needed to do, after all, and I was close to both the castle library and my workplace now, so there wasn’t really a problem though.
To think the day would come when I would be sleeping at the castle just like my father the marquis.
This morning, thinking that it wouldn’t be great to leave the marquis estate unoccupied, I said “What if it’s just me that stays at home, and travels to the castle for work?” when for some reason Achille’s mood took a nose dive. And so, I immediately escaped to the Magic Building.

Right now I’m in the middle of seriously doing my job.
Just now I had just been exterminating an infestation of crawlers that had popped up in the rural areas of the country, and I’m just coming back from it.
Crawlers are grotesque-looking giant caterpillars.
They’re an annoying pest that occasionally pop in the countryside and eat up all the crops.
A hateful thing that shines in my ‘top 5 monsters I’m bad at dealing with’ list. Once they grow up, they end up metamorphosing into yet another grotesque thing; a moth monster.
These monsters eat not only the crops, but attack livestock and humans as well, so once they appear on the farms, you have to quickly exterminate them.

Now then, about the “creation of a tattoo that stops forbidden-magic”… today, I’ve finally succeeded in creating one that isn’t limited by number of uses.
With this, we should be able to deal with most forbidden arts. The scale designs have changed to a chain design.
With this, all I need to do now is cast a forbidden spell on myself to test out the effectiveness… but, unfortunately, right now I’ve fallen into a state where I can’t.

Last time, I casted a forbidden spell while looking in a mirror to test.
In that case, even if I failed, there wouldn’t be anybody hurt besides me; a relatively peaceful choice. If I immediately dispelled it, there wouldn’t be any harm done after all.

But, last time when I finished the final test for the scale tattoos, Achille ended up seeing everything, so this method was banned.
According to him, casting forbidden magic on myself was insane.
But hey, if you don’t test out its effectiveness, you can’t use it in battle, right?
If by some chance the tattoos weren’t good enough during a confrontation with the Heroine, the situation would turn really bad.

“Hmmm, what do to?”

I was thinking about somehow getting permission from Achille to test it on myself, but… I ended up running away from him today when his mood worsened. I regret the slip of tongue from this morning.

Royce-sama and Achille are really busy working to deal with the commoner extremists, so I don’t feel right just sitting around, but there’s not much I can do to help when it comes to that.
All I can do is working on a way to combat forbidden magic, and remodelling spells to deal with the Heroine.
But if I can’t do a live experiment, I’ll be really troubled.

Even while all this is happening, the number of forbidden magic victims might have increased.
And what’s more, for some reason that Heroine has been obviously aiming for Achille and trying to win him over too.
If the Heroine cast forbidden magic on Achille… I absolutely wouldn’t be able to stand it!
As long as there’s a way to defend against it, I want to hurry up and test it.

I thought about quietly testing it in secret but… this mana sensing device known as my wedding wing is on my finger, so I’d definitely be discovered.
Uuu… Damn you Achille, to have prepared this far.
He really is a husband that overlooks nothing.

After finishing work, I timidly returned to my room.
It’d be nice if Achille’s mood has returned to normal.
I have to somehow get permission from Achille to experiment.


I let out a sigh of relief.
It seems that Achille hasn’t come back to the room yet.

“He’s been quite busy lately, after all. I wonder if it’s overtime.”

Tossing off my work clothes, I changed into homewear.
In just my underwear, I was just about to put my clothes on, when the door opened to a clack.


Turning around in surprise, I found Achille frozen in front of the door, more shocked than I was.


If you trace it back to the start, it’s my fault for boldly changing right in front of the door though.
I didn’t think that Achille would come back so quickly after all!
In a great fluster, and still wearing nothing but underwear, I hid myself behind the sofa.

“Camille, you forgot this…”

Achille picked up the homewear that I had forgotten in my panic, and tossed them towards the sofa.
It seems that his anger from this morning hasn’t dragged out until now.


Letting him see me like this. How pathetic.
While I was changing on this side of the sofa, Achille was kind enough to wait in front of the door.
It’s great that you’re not moving from the door.
But you know, if you keep sneaking so many glances this way, won’t I start to mind it?
I wonder if you couldn’t wait outside, instead.
…After somehow getting my clothes on, I timidly left the shadow of the sofa and made my way to Achille.

“S-, Sorry about that, Achille. I showed you something unsightly…”

“Why were you changing right in front of the door? What were you going to do if someone other than me opened the door?”

Although he was nagging me, the arms that wrapped around me were kind.
Even when I show him ugly behaviour like this, Achille won’t leave me in disgust.
He’s an extremely broadminded husband that I’m glad to have.

“Camille, your hand.”

Giving him my hand like a dog, Achille’s bony, white hand overlapped with mine.
As expected… I don’t know when, but my body’s been completely conditioned to these pathetic reactions.

“…A new tattoo?”

You sure have good eyes.
It seems he immediately noticed the new tattoos on my hand.
A small, silver chain that wraps around my right wrist…

“Mn… It’s a magic tattoo to defend against forbidden magic. I haven’t tested it yet, so I don’t know how exactly how effective it is, though.”

Thanks to a certain someone, I wasn’t allowed to experiment after all.
While staring right up at Achille, he sighed.

“It seems that you didn’t decide on your own to test forbidden magic, huh.”

“I mean, you’d get mad at me, right?”

“Obviously. To think of casting forbidden magic on yourself…”

“…But Achille, you’ll need tattoos for your plans against the Heroine, right?”

“Even so… Hahh.”

Massaging his brows as he sighed, Achille suddenly stopped talking.
While hoping that he’d given up and would give me permission to experiment, I peered into his face expectantly, only to have my chin lifted up in his fingers, and my gaze locked in place.


“…Then how about you test it on *me?”

His clear cobalt eyes stared right at me.


“You can just draw that tattoo on me, and then test a forbidden spell on *me. Even if anything happens, you of all people would be able to deal with it, right?”

But then, if anything happens, *Achille will get hurt.
Even if only for a little, he’ll have to suffer a forbidden spell.
The magic tattoo is still in the experimental phase, so there’s no proof that it’ll actually work.
To use Achille as a guinea pig in such a stage…

“…Don’t want to. I’m not going to cast forbidden magic on you.”

My voice trembled unwillingly.
With my chin held, I couldn’t move about, so only my gaze moved away.
I mean, I definitely don’t want to have Achille do something so dangerous.
That would be putting the cart before the horse.
Even if there wasn’t any risk, firing a forbidden spell at Achille is something I just can’t do.

“Why? Isn’t it safer to have two people experimenting over one?”

“I said I don’t want to! Don’t make bad jokes like that! Even if you don’t get hurt, I still don’t want to!”

If I let go of this chance, I might not be able to do human experimentation anymore.
But if I have to use Achille, then…

“Rather, wouldn’t it be better if you cast it on *me, Achille? I mean, look, I’ve already got the tattoo on.”

In that instant, Achille looked disgusted.
Even though he said stuff about it being cast on him! Why is he against casting things on me*!
This time with dissatisfaction as well, I once again stared up at Achille.

“You sure say cruel things, huh… Just like you don’t want to cast forbidden arts on me, I don’t want to cast it on you either.”


“I’m the same, you know? Why is it that no matter how long it’s been, you still don’t understand?”

Above my eyes, on my nose, on my cheeks… Achille’s lips fell on them one after another.
In contrast to his scolding voice, his touch was so kind that I stood there with my eyes closed and accidentally forgot to resist.

“When you’re hurt, or in pain, I suffer as well, after all.”

When I opened my eyes again, Achille was making an incredibly sad expression. My chest hurts.
He usually doesn’t let his feelings show much.
All I see is his poker face, or his angry face, and occasionally a laugh.
The only one he’ll show such a pained expression to, is none other than me.

“S-, Sorry.”

Just now was my fault. I went and meaninglessly said something hurtful.
I can’t use forbidden arts on Achille. I don’t want to. Definitely not.
But despite that, in my annoyance, I told Achille to do the same thing to me…

For now, I’ll give up on experimenting on both myself and Achille.

“Take care of yourself more, Camille… But even if I say that, I’m sure you’re just going to be careless when it comes to your own safety, so from now on just think of avoiding danger as something for my sake.”

“Uu-… Okay.”

I parted from Achille’s hands, and sat on top of the sofa in seiza.
Although I do get the feeling that somehow I was led into a direction convenient for him, it’s obvious that this time I was at fault, so I had no choice but to obediently nod to his comment.
It can’t be helped if I suffer, but if it makes Achille sad, then I definitely don’t want to.
I don’t want to be the reason he makes that kind of expression again.

“As for the human experimentation, I’ll figure something out. You don’t have to worry about a thing, Camille…”

“But, Achille…”

If we can’t test on ourselves, then just how on earth does he plan on testing it then?
While I was looking uneasy, Achille gave me a soothing smile.

“It’ll be fine.”

“Camille, your hand.”
The term he uses here is the Japanese dog command for ‘shake’/’handshake’.

Also, did anybody else suddenly have the words “Riajuu wa BAKUHATSU SHIRO!” erupt from their mouth as they were reading this? No? Just me?

<Previous Chapter | Imouto | Next Chapter>

55 thoughts on “Cleanup – Chapter 15”

  1. I think it’s lovely that these two are so bakaouple like lol. And Camille is slowly but surely being trained hahaha. Her way of valuing others over herself reminds me of F/sn’s Emiya Shirou. Though it’s not as bad as his case.

    Thanks for the chapter Sheeprabbit-sama!


  2. Lol didn’t Achilles exaggerate a little. She is changing in her room and the only people there are maids and butlers.

    Those people arent exactly gonna just walk in without knocking.


    1. inb4 royce goes to visit camilla since hes known her so long he dosnt knock, gets a nice event, then he gets killed by achille

      *can SO see that happening*

      Liked by 1 person

  3. this BaCouple is such a BaCouple that they kill me with something other than massive embarrassment. Plus I’m fairly certain they can survive most explosions.


  4. Moments like these. It’s moments like this make me love this novel and make my inner fangirl come out. I think my inner fangirl is coming out too often, I’m getting concerned…

    Thanks for the chapter!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes, yes, very cute, they love each other very much, blah blah.
    TEST THE DAMN TATTOO. (sigh) I guess they’ll do some animal testing or something… Which just isn’t the same.

    My thanks to you, O esteemed holy sheeprabbit.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Um… apparently, yes? Did he have access to slaves / death row inmates / war criminals or something like that in the game? Cause it’s either something like that, or testing on volunteer soldiers…


      2. If I were to take a guess It would be “a” prisioner (the guy that used children as suicide bombs), since that guy got a lot of hate from Achille.


  6. If the heroine saw that she also would be sending them to XXXX, because they are so sweet to each other~
    So, Achille is going to get some guinea pig >D
    Thanks for the translation!


  7. Ahahahahahaha! I actually lol’d hardest at the translator note XD

    Thanks so much for all your hard work ani-ue!!!


  8. Oh, quite the update trove, thanks once again! Seems the WN is sorta’ completed now, it was quite a fun ride. Well, there are still updates on the side stories I think (Which for some reason I’m not as interested in).

    Also, whatever happened to the The 1st Esteemed 5th Holy Sheeprabbit, Estelion Sharlulu Asheel Vinchance Celenalia di ef Falufiluu’Luufilaafee up to the 34th?


    1. Eu estou extremamente chateada com isto, mas parece que ninguém se importa. Porque ela como uma maga, não pode ser uma maga. Decepcionante.
      Isto não e casamento e Dominador e submissão.


  9. Love it! Discovered your translation recently and I finished this novel in a few days, was hooked! Thanks for translating :) I will probably read some others you are doing now!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I just found this blog like 2 or 3 days ago …and start readings….this is one of them…without realizing’s already at the newest chapter …a….aaaaaa this story is sooo cuteeee. Q of Heart and Diamond are toooo cuteee. Well I like the ikemen too hahahah XD. I like the comedy too…peeping prince ..pffftt
    It’s a shame that we don’t get to know more about Q of Spade…will Q of Clover get the same treatment? I’m curious about her life..afterall she’s the oldest and a commoner. Don’t you think that the other Qs should have tried to communicate more with her?
    Now I have a speculation that the Headmaster are the one bringing 5 of them to this world. Maybe thats’s why he looks tired? Overusing his mana? or maybe he want to get his own heroine…


  11. I see you aren’t too thrilled about finishing the series, though I did hear from someone that it was finished? If possible could you give spoilers or maybe plot summaries instead of translations? I’m super curious about how Camille and Achille’s story ends.


  12. Hi,
    I just discovered this website and this novel and i really love it! Thank you for translating it. It’s a shame that you have gotten tired of it, but i do understand that feeling since i translated some books (not in japanese of course). The best way is to take some time off, and once you are no longer tired, start reading from the beginning the original or the translation that you wrote to get back your interest, just to remember why you decided to start translating. This is what works with me at least.
    Meanwhile, i am going to read the rest of your novel translation. They are really good! How long have you been studying japanese? I started recently, but i have some difficulty since i’m self-taught xD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. umm, i haven’t really been doing much on the studying side for the last year, but i guess 4 years?

      i really liked otoburi in the beginning too, but it was just starting to get too repetitive, and the characters just weren’t deep/engaging enough to justify translating 4 more arcs of almost exactly the same stuff.

      i think just translating kenkyo kenjitsu is more than enough fluffiness, personally, but certainly if i get through my current projects, i probably will go back to otoburi for the sake of completion


  13. Thank you for translating this novel even up to the point that you did. Loving it, loving the characters, and loving your awesome translation skills. MARRY ME!


  14. Hi there,

    Thank you so much for translating this WN. I absolutely adore Camille, Achille and th the rest of the supporting cast. There was a good balance between seriousness and fluffiness. I’d be so so happy if you decide to pick up this series again. In the meantime, I’ll take a look at the other series you are working on. Thanks so much for your hard work =).


    1. Like she’s got mild Asperger’s or something. She has very narrow and focused interests and doesn’t really know how to deal with social situations.


  15. Ehh it’s a little irritating for him to be overprotective to the extent restricting her research especially when it’s extremely important against the heroine. I mean I like their dynamic with mc being so goofy and all but it wouldn’t be bad to get some character development. Well fun story anyway, definitely at the top end of the otome novels translated


  16. Personally, I think Camille needs to get pissed at him too once in a while. It’s oh so bad if she suggests him testing it on her BECAUSE she doesn’t want to test it on him? He’s the one that brought up testing it on the other in the first place! There’s a lot of sweet moments but Achille has long left “worrying” territory and headed into “controlling” territory. I see that she clearly does things without thinking often but there’s a limit to how far you go (I’m looking at you, ring-that-can’t-be-removed-except-by-the-one-person-who-gets-all-the-information-from-it)

    Liked by 1 person

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